Rockband or Guitar Hero
Quick question.
My little bro finally went over to college and gave me his Wii since he only plays his 360.
I really just wanted it so I can play RB or GH since I do not own a console.
So, if I understand things right, Guitar Hero peripherals work with Rock Band but not the other way around?
Plus, I will still need another guitar either way right (for bass + guitar)? Third party, RB, GH?
And it sounds like it's all a matter of preference, GH world tour or Rock Band?
I know at ICHQ RB2 seemed to always be the fav...
Either way I guess it's going to be ~200 bones for the bundle + extra guitar.
So all you console peeps, chime in
cheers :Jared:
My little bro finally went over to college and gave me his Wii since he only plays his 360.
I really just wanted it so I can play RB or GH since I do not own a console.
So, if I understand things right, Guitar Hero peripherals work with Rock Band but not the other way around?
Plus, I will still need another guitar either way right (for bass + guitar)? Third party, RB, GH?
And it sounds like it's all a matter of preference, GH world tour or Rock Band?
I know at ICHQ RB2 seemed to always be the fav...
Either way I guess it's going to be ~200 bones for the bundle + extra guitar.
So all you console peeps, chime in
cheers :Jared:
The track list is way better.
Better track list, outstanding DLC options (thought I don't think they exist on Wii), does the 'band' part much better than Guitar Hero in my opinion.
As for my opinion, I'd have to agree with what everyone's saying so far. The Rock Band tracklist is definitely better, though I like downloading video game tunes other people have made on Guitar Hero World Tour. I'm not sure if Rock Band has a feature like that, so I'll let others say.
I was probably going to get Rock band 2 anyways. I looked at getting the Beatles Rock band just because the peripherals looks so sweet, but it isn't worth the $250 over the usual $159 for the bundle.
Stupid Wii. Looking at the compatibility chart it seems that nothing is cross compatible. Damn.
But yeah Definitely RB. The game is more polished, the track listings are infinitely better and the song mapping feels better as well. Plus personally I actually prefer the instruments. I find the GH drumbs to be top heavy and bouncy and the GH guitar cripples my fingers with the button spacing and the damn click, click, click of the strummer is irritating to no end. The RB1 guitar kinda sucked, but the RB2 guitar is awesome.
Admittedly at first I thought the RB guitars were weaker then the GH guitars, but once I started playing them, there's just no going back and the RB 2 drumb's feel way better. Throw some cymbals on and a double kick if you wanna go pro-star.
I will start hunting for the RB2 Wii bundle and an extra RB guitar soon...
cheers guys
Different strokes, to be sure, but the GH guitar seemed designed with musicality in mind, and the RB guitar just got it backwards to me.
Congrats on your impending purchase, Jared!
Best route is to buy Guitar Hero World Tour full set and then Rock Band games on the side as you can then use your instros on either game.
Couldnt find info on GH5 compat but that doesnt sound like the route you want to go anyways.
I think I'm still indifferent about the strum style though. I hated RB's lack of a click at first, but now I don't think twice about it. It kind of forces me to pay closer attention to the beat of the song without the click to assist timing in long successions.