XP 2500+ Barton minimal O/Cing question

SloiSloi Quebec
edited January 2004 in Hardware
Greetings, and thank you for your interest in this thread.

I will post my hardware before asking anything:

AMD ATHLON 2500+Barton XP 333FSB/640K
Asus A7N8X-DX NForce2ST Deluxe
ATI Radeon 9800Pro 128M DDR AGP8x Retail
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy2 OEM
Corsair TwinX 2x256 3200 LowLatency Kit
Maxtor SATA150 120Gb 8Mb Cache 7200RPM
528D Silver USB 2.0,LED Fan 400W P.S

Now, on to the questions:

Can I, with the proper heat dissipation technology, simply increase the FSB
from 166mhz to 200mhz and get a considerable increase in performance ? If
so, is my "overclocking" only limited to a few cmos setting modifications ? If
not, can you provide me with a link to the documentation detailing the right
way to proceed ? Finally, what kind of heat dissipation technology should I
use to ensure stability for either an open or closed system ? Thank you for
your time and patience.


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    Yes, that's a perfectly acceptable solution, particularly with your equipment!

    If you have a thermalright SK-7, SLK-800, SLK-900, SLK-947, or SP-97.. Something large and made of copper, you can easily set the FSB at 200 and get a free 3200+ out of your system.
  • Straight_ManStraight_Man Geeky, in my own way Naples, FL Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    First, pumping FSB to 200 from 166 is not pure minimal-- you are taking FSB to 1.25 times what it is now. Whether you go high-end (read high air flow volume)AIR or to pure watercooled now depends on how hot the air coming into case is versus CPU temp (actually heat radiating from HS). I manage to get a 2 GHz plus a tiny bit FSB with air cooling adn an SLK900A HS and good HS gunk (Ceramique, think I will try the AS5 when the tube gets here). In order to get to 2.3 GHz, I think I would need a water cooling system, Peltier plus Forced convective Air, or something rather expensive and the incremental cost of the CPU that would do that and RAM to run it right would be less than a good water cooling setup sufficient to really have hyper-effective water cooling of CPU, North Bridge, South Bridge, Video card, and probably fanned forced cooling of DIMMS unless I went hyper high-end on RAM to get very OCable RAM.

    So, how much to you is minimal??? Figure water in a warmer climate like I live in (Florida, tropics zone, northern part of zone and southern half of Florida). Start with average summer temps if you want a base to design cooling, or plan to change your OC by season-- decrease in warmer weather. Figure for 2 GHz on a Barton, the CPU will be 18-20C above air at stock voltage and OC'd to about 2 GHz unless you water cool, and about 53 C is highest I would run the CPU temp itself for any long length of time.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    Ignoring the illegible crap:

    One of the heatsinks I mentioned with a fan that pushes more than 40 CFM will allow you to overclock your FSB to 200MHz with no ill-effects, and temperatures that are no higher than a real 3200+.
  • SloiSloi Quebec
    edited January 2004
    Thrax wrote:
    Ignoring the illegible crap:

    One of the heatsinks I mentioned with a fan that pushes more than 40 CFM will allow you to overclock your FSB to 200MHz with no ill-effects, and temperatures that are no higher than a real 3200+.

    Which Thermalright would be best suited to the task? I was looking at the
    ThermalRight SLK-700 with T.M.D. fan and the combination looks efficient.

    Any more ideas for heatsink/fan combination? What about all of the fans
    needed inside ? How many and what type should I consider purchasing ?

    You've been more than patient and kind in answering my questions; I thank
    you for your time...
  • Al_CapownAl_Capown Indiana
    edited January 2004
    SLK 800/900/947 with an 80MM thermaltake SmartFan2.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    Best bang/buck ratio would probably fall with the Thermalright SLK-800 and Thermaltake SmartFan II.
  • DragstkDragstk Syracuse, N.Y.
    edited January 2004
    I've used a SLK 800 w/ a TDM fan, great heat sink, questionable fan. While the theory of the fan is good, the exacution leaves a little to be desired. It must be driven from the power supply. Hook it to the MB and it will stop running. I know from experience! And they are pretty loud, for the amount of air they move.
    I gotta agree w/Al Capown and Thrax , about their set up
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    11x200=2200 ...you shouldn't have trouble getting that with adequate cooling.
  • TemplarTemplar You first.
    edited January 2004
    I'm using a simple aluminum heatsink and a Coolermaster fan with Arctic Silver 5, and it probably doesn't come close to the cooling power of the above mentioned heatsinks, yet I live in a moderate climate and my temps with F@H hover around 45*C. Occasionally, depending on how hot/cold it is (Yes, it's hot here, in the WINTER), it'll jump to 48*C, but I've never seen it higher than that. If your Barton is any decent (And most are. I think it's hard to get a bad Barton 2500+), you should be able to swing 3200+ speeds no problem.
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