I bought it the day it came out. Was really excited. It was incredibly disappointing. For more reasons than this, but they got rid of Bombing Run. That was my favorite game mode!
Other than the silly hoverboard UT3 is a big improvement, especially with some of the crazy modifiers.
The last time they did a content update they added a few classic style maps. Play a standard deathmatch in Morbias Station just for the old school kicks.
Not even close to as fun. All the maps are low-contrast and the fog of war plane is far closer than in UT2k4. Also, EPIC never delivered on the Linux client.
Sucked lemons IMO. Too much catering to the consoles. UT's primary audience should always be for PC gamers. UT2k3 was my favorite. LGI 135.. ahh the glory days.
I guess I am the odd man out, I never got into UT too much in the first place but I've played it through the years and enjoyed it(just not as much as others). But this free weekend gave me the reason to buy their deal pack. I cannot believe this game is doing so badly that they can sell it for cheap I am lovin' the game! The game is beautiful as you guys already know but I enjoy the hell out of the single player instant action so far though I haven't done the MP yet as I feel I might suck and wanna get to know the missions better.
I read someone here got UT3 for like $5 from the bargin bin somewhere, wow. I thought this game just came out LOL
I tried getting into UT3 but the online community for it is almost nonexistent. At least it was a year or so ago when I was looking into it. The only servers that I usually found people on were in the UK and if I wanted to play with them I had to endure a 200ping. It was just too frustrating. UT99 still has a much larger following than ut3 ever did.
The last time they did a content update they added a few classic style maps. Play a standard deathmatch in Morbias Station just for the old school kicks.
I read someone here got UT3 for like $5 from the bargin bin somewhere, wow. I thought this game just came out LOL