Re-installing XP after format c:\ command
I inserted the XP disc, let everything load, pressed R for repair, and when the drive prompt came up typed 1 for C:. When the administrator password prompt came up, I just hit enter so that I could enter commands. The command I entered was chdir C:\, then format C:\. After this format was complete, the XP disc's install screen (by boot) will not respond to R (Repair), Enter (New Installation), nor F3 (Quit). How can I install XP with such a problem? Thanks
I think that the bootable CD is corrupted so I think that you should insert the new Bootable CD and then try?
Its been a while since I set up XP. I don't think it is a BIOS problem as you are able to boot from the CD but it may be worth flashing your BIOS to the latest version.
Is this a home built PC?
This might sound a bit crazy but try disconnecting your hard drive and see if it responds then. You wont be able to do the install but if you have a hardware issue that might cause things to become unstable.
Why did you format in the first place?
You are correct when you say that the screen after pressing R or Enter will not show any partitions. However at the minute you installation is freezing as soon as as you get to the screen where you press enter or r? correct? If so we need to work out what is causing the installation to freeze.
If you can get further than this screen then don't unplug the HD just let us know how far you can get.
Your symtoms could be caused by bad memory, a dying PSU or a dying HD however I find it odd that you didn't have any system freezes before you formatted.
Please don't take offence at this but your methodology of formatting was a little odd. When you re-install XP you can get the installer to format your drive during the installation so there is no need to format the drive prior to re-installing.
Also it is possible to cure most virus infections without formatting and re-installing; that said, that doesn't help us now.
Could you also please take a photo of you install disk and attach it in your next post? The re-install process can be done in a number of ways and it is very rare for prebuilt machines to be shipped with a full Windows Installation disk.
Therefore I need more info about the Installation Disk and your system so that I can find out how a restore should be done
Try creating a Memtest bootable CD. Download the Bootable CD ISO from here. Unzip the ISO file and burn the image to a blank cd. You may need something like nero to Burn the ISO. Dont just copy the ISO file onto your cd and burn a data disk as this wont work.
Once you have your CD insert it into your PC and try to boot from it. This will tell you if you have any issues with RAM but more importantly it will confirm that your system will read a bootable CD and rule out a dying CD drive.