Installing XP
I would like to know if I take my windows XP disk and put into my machine and click on INSTALL WINDOWS will this just go over my current windows or will this have me reformat first, thank you for all your help. By the way I am running a Dell 2.4 with 1G or ram, Thanks
Is there anyway to reinstall windows with reformatting and without doing a repair, I need to reinstall windows as I know the repair just fixes files that might be corruct or something I was just wondering if there is anyway do do it over but with out reformatting. Thanks for your help.
A repair will fix almost anything. Just make sure to burn anything you have on that drive like Favorites, downloads, saved documents.
Hmm just noticed you have a Dell. Did they give you a XP backup disk or do you have a full copy of XP not from dell?
I have the back-up from Dell NOT full version.
So, question becomes, can you run XP enough to make and copy data to a separate partition, then reinstall full without wiping partition, then proceed to recover data from your copy??? Did you try this already, and if so what happened???
No, usually if you do a full install you do get to end up with a clean install on a formatted partition, BUT, it is possible not to format whole HD if you have a full XP installer-- and still have what you copied to another partition. There are also ways in XP to handle a lot of problems, so an explanation of why you want to do what you want to do, as best as you can explain, might save you from doing this-- some of the folks here know how to recover what might seem to be royal messes....