Timing, mine stinks.

_k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
edited October 2009 in Hardware
Alright, just one short year ago I started my build for my LAN rig but I have something else I want to do now which seems to soon because I am filling up my room with computers. People were talking about interesting media PC cases, and just interesting cases in generally, in IRC when I blurted out put your computer in a CRT. Then I couldn't get it out of my head what a good idea that is, especially since I can pull a free fairly clean CRT from work. So here I am asking for help on finding parts or suggestions.

Because of my excessive computer stash, the fileserver runs a GX2:wtf: and zalman 9700 because I had it sitting in a box, I am limiting myself to 100$ for the core parts which should be easy. I have a 400W PSU, 9600 GSO, harddrives, rom, and a 19" inch Dell flat CRT(pretty sure on the size). I need to find an LCD monitor, mobo, and CPU; I will either steal RAM from mas0n or go pick some up for 10 bucks. The mobo/cpu and monitor need to come in under 100 but I already know I will end up sending more than that buying fans, fan bus, power strip, etc. I have 4 P4 2.8s sitting around but would like something with a lower TDP, just going to run linux and windows with TF2 etc. on this thing when its on.

I have been chewing on craigslist ads looking for that find for the LCD and watching my local ads for a mobo+cpu but have not turned up anything really good. The best thing I have come across for hardware was a celeron 430 with a MSI G31 board for 50$. The CRT is not widescreen but normal depth and fairly square all the way back. Fire away.


  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    I'm afraid I can't help you as far as finding mobo cpu and LCD for under 100 bucks but you just gave me a great (and similar) idea. Why not get a mid tower case and install the LCD into the side of it kind of how people install windows in their cases? Oh man... I might actually have to build this one. seems like too fun of an idea to pass up.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    I saw a lot of those at quakecon, most of them were done really well but secondary screens.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    Yeah, I'd be looking to build the primary screen into the side of the case for easy transport to/from LAN events. The biggest reason I haven't really attended any LAN party type events (aside from the fact that there are rarely any in Michigan) is that I don't want to have to haul all sorts of equipment. Now then, having a tower with a built in screen would bring the equipment list down to just the tower, keyboard, mouse, headphones, power strip and cables. That's manageable.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    Hmm... I bet I could fit this monitor into the side panel of this case. I'd probably need to remove the LCD from it's housing and mount the circuitry to the inside of the case somehow but I bet it could be done to look pretty neat.
  • SerpSerp Texas Member
    edited October 2009
    Hey _k_, check your PM's.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    The other idea I had, but the printer is the wrong shape, is to take a printer/scanner and cut to put a puter in there and have the top cover replaced by the LCD....the real trick is working it so the scanner function still works. It would of been so tight flip down the paper tray and have a keyboard on it and pull the mouse from inside then flip up the monitor and lock it into position!
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    That would be pretty sweet.
  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    My lanbox was going to get a 7" touchscreen put in the front where the optical bays sat until they decided to cancel my order. It's a great way to just throw a media player or an IM client on a different screen so you can keep your main displays for other work.

    -sigh-. I still want to do it.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    Hmmm... I need to RMA this motherboard. Once that is done I'll have a motherboard, memory and a hard drive. I plan on upgrading my desktop to an Athlon II X4 and my video card to a 5850 before the year is out at which point all I would need is case, power supply and LCD. Then I could attempt the mod. This is turning into a very tempting idea.
  • lordbeanlordbean Ontario, Canada
    edited October 2009
    If either one of you goes for this, I want to see pictures. I'd be lying if I said I'd never thought about the possibility of a tower with an LCD mounted right on the side panel - it seems neat to me.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    Trying to find pics from QuakeCon of Mods like you guys are talking about but all they have up are the stupid cases. WWOOO its a moutain mod with a paint job and fans, WWWOOOO its got a mario sticker on it.
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    If I go through with this mod, many pictures will be taken as well as documentation. I'll probably put it on my website but you can be sure I'll link to it :D
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    Alright so IT HAS BEGUN. This is quickly turning in to a lot larger project than what I anticipated. I only got a little blood on the monitor shell getting it apart, 2 screw CRTs are a pain to rip apart.

    On top of this hour frustration, finally just said its going to break or come apart, There are series clearance issues I have to combat. I need to snag some 90 degree power cables for everything and I think I am going to have to order some 90 degree DVI cables.

    Also since the PCB for the CRT was actually part of the bottom frame of the shell I need to come up with a bottom for the monitor. Maybe 2-ply wood???? I have a feeling I am going to end up using cheap USB keyboard and mouse connected to a micro USB hub I install internally. I just need to get hold of the guy to go pick up the monitor, hello 3 monitors on my main until I get the mounting set-up.

    Currently I am wondering if I can get dual HDDs in so I have two drives, Linux and Windows. I spent the last bit of time awake doing fresh installs for both with nothing loaded besides the OS. I can mount fans, luckly, it looks like where ever there is a small flat spot because I can get a screw in the vent holes and there is enough thread to grab the fan and hold it. Right now I can only see a spot for the top and rear, possibly another on one side or the other. My idea is to pressure load the case since there are a large number of vent holes and heat might be an issue with the P4 running a game.

    3.0 GHz P4 LGA 775
    Intel mobo ATX P35-something a bob
    2GB Corsair Twinx 444-12
    400W Ultra PSU
    Dual 80GB 7200.7 HDDs
    Dell 17in. LCD VGA 1280x1024
    Whatever IO I can find



    Mobo+RAM+CPU is all thanks to new IC member Serp, old friend. He is a solid dude and making sure this project comes in on budget easily. All suggestions are welcome!

    Flickr updated with new photostream. Going to be next month before more pictures get posted there, currently everything I have taken is up there.
  • mas0nmas0n howdy Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    I have either a 17 or 19 inch lcd you can have.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    I need a 17 in. let me know the model so I can figure out if it will even fit.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    So there was some fail last night. Had this bright idea because the board is a little to big that I would simply swap out my file server parts for the p4 and p915; nope. The intel board will not post with the GX2 installed for some reason, even bothered to update BIOS. Pretty pissed at it after last because I spent a few hours running the intel board while folding to make sure the bus looked like it might be able to handle the traffic. Right now the parts are sitting ontop of the file server folding but need a little better plan and to clean out the trash.
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    My idea of a cheap motherboard tray.



    I have had issues with the p915 just turning off but I think it was a grounding issue with some off center risers on the tray. If its stable I might just run the p915 as my fileserver and the amd M-ATX in the monputer when it moves, as stated before, but normally run the AMD board with the GX2 just sitting on top of the server and mount it in the monputer case when it does something.

    Still looking for a monitor, most likely going to have to use a 15 in screen because most 17s are oversized. Idea for mounting in the shell: A dual or tri folding piece of wood for the base. PSU and HDD mounted with velcro and some kind of mounted riser/support to help hold the mobo in a solid and good position.

    Ideas, comments, you are an idiot give up?
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