Sao Paulo would be an awesome setting for a game. But for Max Payne? Not sure. As long as the storyline justifies any abrupt change or deviation from the original, then I'll be all for it. But if some sloppy voice over continues the story after a cinematic, and Max wakes up in the slums of Sao Paulo I'm definately going to be pissed.. and then keep playing.
But if some sloppy voice over continues the story after a cinematic, and Max wakes up in the slums of Sao Paulo I'm definately going to be pissed.. and then keep playing.
I would do the exact same.
Especially with the RAGE engine and Euphoria. I have so much fun shooting people in GTAIV just to see how the animation engine reacts. It's incredible tech. Max payne is the perfect platform for that technology
I don't know what noir is, duh... I just don't see Max fitting in a sunny, warm São Paulo. Call it whatever you want, but don't call it Max just to boost sales....
This is rubbish. One of the most appealing parts of this game to me was blasting through the dark side of New York.
I wouldn't mind this game as a new brand all together but this sure as sh*t isn't a good setting for a Max Payne game. They should just rebrand this as Far Cry 3 and get to work on the REAL Max Payne 3 taking place in Noir York City.
the REAL Max Payne 3 taking place in Noir York City.
EXACTLY. NOIR York City. NY was always a perfect setting for Max. Like I stated in the article, I'm concerned about what 'contemporary' noir will mean.
We don't know for certain if the entire game takes place in Brazil or not. I'm hoping Max Returns to the city to finish business there. One can hope.
"due to the aged nature of Max in the new game, Rockstar will not be using original voice actor James McCaffrey."
Whisky tango foxtrot? Since when has aging a couple years had an appreciable effect on the voice of someone well into or past their 30's? Max Payne isn't a grandpa yet; there's absolutely no reason that doesn't involve contracts or money on why they shouldn't bring back James.
I would do the exact same.
Especially with the RAGE engine and Euphoria. I have so much fun shooting people in GTAIV just to see how the animation engine reacts. It's incredible tech. Max payne is the perfect platform for that technology
I wouldn't mind this game as a new brand all together but this sure as sh*t isn't a good setting for a Max Payne game. They should just rebrand this as Far Cry 3 and get to work on the REAL Max Payne 3 taking place in Noir York City.
EXACTLY. NOIR York City. NY was always a perfect setting for Max. Like I stated in the article, I'm concerned about what 'contemporary' noir will mean.
We don't know for certain if the entire game takes place in Brazil or not. I'm hoping Max Returns to the city to finish business there. One can hope.
Whisky tango foxtrot? Since when has aging a couple years had an appreciable effect on the voice of someone well into or past their 30's? Max Payne isn't a grandpa yet; there's absolutely no reason that doesn't involve contracts or money on why they shouldn't bring back James.