Colgere wrote: All I can say is that for once, I'm glad I can read lips (took me about 5 times of replaying it though)! Lol!
UPSLynx wrote: Also, DrLiam, I can confirm that the sound is in fact computer destruction.
Koreish wrote: I think what he said is everyone gets a free T-shirt and beer courtesy of Prime, Lincoln, Thrax, and himself.
UPSLynx wrote: Truth - for the people that come to IC events. OH SNAP
Starman wrote: I want to go to the next LAN.
I KNEW someone would do that.. but I never expected you, Colgere! It's like a knife to my back! ...gentlemen.
And no way did you throw that computer over the edge! Sounds like a recycled sound to me. Funny stuff though.
I'll be ruined!
The horror! D:
Truth - for the people that come to IC events.
But I think I'd look like a bro-bag with facial hair, so it is for the best.
Do it!