Our wireless router has died and there's no Icrontic router budget at present. If you want wireless wibbles at ICOK, someone needs to bring one for the weekend or people can chip in for a new one, sorry
I have a wireless access point that we can use for the weekend. I usually have it in my laptop bag anyway for work purposes. Do you actually need a router, or is the WAP sufficient?
Most blenders suck because the blade is turned by a plastic mechanism. Models like this one use a metal shaft to turn the blades and won't grenade like the old one did.
I tripped over some lego device last night in a drunk stupor and spilled my almost full glass of boulevard pale ale on the router device.
good thing is the so called media room smells like beer!
The "router" is the smoothwall box so all that is needed for this weekend is an AP.
Can we get a couple chickens to sacrifice tomorrow to appease the gods? Maybe we need a virgin? We can get Gqu......wait.