Google Fast Flip

ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
edited October 2009 in Internet & Media
While randomly surfing the web today on my G1, I happened to check the list of Google mobile sites and found something I haven't seen before. Fast Flip. Hmm, what is this I mused as I tapped the link. It came up and asked me to choose a category, I promptly tapped politics, and it loaded thumbnails of 30 recent political news articles which I could "filp" through. Tapping on one brought up the full page to read. Holy crap, it's almost like a Google version of StumbleUpon. Okay, that's not entirely accurate, it's more of a SU for recent news only. Regardless, how have I never seen this before? It must be just a mobile thing I thought. So I get home and lo and behold, there is a full version too. This is possibly one of the neatest time wasters I've seen lately. The NY Times says this service launched on Sept 14th of this year. I have a question for you Icrontic... How did we all miss this so far? (Alternately, how did I miss the rest of you not missing it if that is in fact the case?)

So much stuff. I think my eyeballs might explode.


  • SnarkasmSnarkasm Madison, WI Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    I missed it. Upon first glance, though, it just seems like a more confusing RSS reader. I don't care what the page looks like, I want to know what the headlines are. It doesn't do that efficiently - I could fit a lot more headlines on the page without the screencaps.

    It's neat - it may just not be my bag right off the bat.
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