Dell Dimension XPS GEN 4 Gaming Comp suddenly wont start...

edited October 2009 in Hardware
Hello all! I'm new to the forums, so I'd like to say thanks in advance to anyone that might be able to help. :)

I've got a Dell Dim. XPS GEN 4 gaming computer that's about 4-5 years old and up till this morning has been working great, give or take a few minor issues I've been able to figure out. Well, this morning I booted up the computer, started playing an online game, and after about an hour or so, had to leave for Doc's appt. When I returned, my wife had told me she'd turned around and noticed my screen was just a blank WHITE, she didn't know what happened to it. I tried turning it off, to reboot, and it wouldn't even do that for me (by pressing in and holding the power button). So, I unplugged it, waited 15 seconds, and plugged it back in. Now when I've done this before, the fans and stuff have always "jumped on" for a sec. and powered down. When I plugged it back in, they did not do that, so I knew somethin' was up. On the front, the power button is normally amber when off, and green when running, well, it was not lit up, and when I pressed it, it turned to amber, like it was shutdown, NOT to the green like it was powering up. So, when it turned to amber, the fans jumped to life and I THOUGHT I could hear the harddrive revving up too. I've got a small green light on the motherboard, and nothing else is really looking like it's running, just the fans. The four little lights on the back of the tower are also "dead". It will not boot to the Dell start screen or obviously the Windows XP Screen. I've been reading a lil bit, that it might be the RAM Sticks, so I pulled them, tried to restart, and again the same beeping or anything. Also been told that it's "PROBABLY" the motherboard. Well, before I go spending 4-500 bucks on a MB, I'd like some help. I've read on a previous thread that sounded like my same situation, and multiple people said it's PROBABLY the PSU?? Any help would be MUCH appreciated........



  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited October 2009
    I very much think it's the PSU. :) I would start there. Do you have a digital multimeter to test it with? If you dunno what I mean, it's easiest just to swap it out with a temporary unit to see if that boots the system.
  • edited October 2009
    I do have a multimeter, and I'll try that. I was tempted to stick the system into an aftermarket tower I had purchased a few years ago, but the DELL Tower is definately a custom fit for the system, and there's no way I could get it to all work properly....
    So, I'll check the power output on the PSU, and go from there...hopefully you won't hear back from

  • edited October 2009
    Okay, I'm back...I guess I don't really know what on the power unit to test.....*sighs*....I did electric motor repair for 10 years, but, I guess I'm clueless what to test on the PSU to see if it's bad or
    I guess I'm kind of puzzled about it all because the fans kick on, and the lil green LED light comes on on the Motherboard. Is it just different supplies and one or more bad while the fan's, etc could still be good?

    *UPDATE* I did pull the power unit off the bottom of my tower, and the square/4 plug molex connector to the MB from the PSU, had two of the four wires (yellow ones) pretty brown...I'm assuming a loose connection, as it didn't look like a MAJOR short...whether that has anything to do with my problems, I don't know again.....
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