
edited November 2009 in Team Fortress 2
From the creater of PL_OUTBACK (S.W.A.T.Y) comes his next great map cp_reelfoot. Reelfoot is a 5CP map just like Badlands, Well, and Granary. Reelfoot is based on a lake in Kentucky (no, I dont live there). Reelfoot is unique from any 5Cp map out there. Reelfoot took me under 30 days to make, from planning to beta 1.


Change Log to b1

-First Release.

Change Log from B1 to b2

-Fixed spawn doors sticking out when opening.
-Fixed some nodraw visisble leaks in some places.
-Fixed a bunch of playerclipping problems.
-Disabled collision on some props.
-Added 3D skybox
-Redesigned middle cap, and the bridge.
-Added some height variation to 2nd and 1st cap.
-Added an underground path to the middle point.
-Increased the fog.
-Added more details.
-Added more lights.
-Increased fps at mid point.
-Reduced the filesize by 7 MB.

Change Log from B2 to b3

-You can finally get on the trees.
-Fixed some clipping problems.
-Fixed some no draw issues around the map.
-Added more details.
-Fixed a problem with the mid cap.
-Added more health/ammo.
-Added more lights in some areas.
-Fixed the stairs in the middle.
-Fixed the deadly doors.
-Retextured some parts of the map.
-Improved fps in the mid point.
-Fixed a problem with the underwater route.
-Reduced the filesize a bit.




  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    Welcome to Icrontic swaty...

    We are so pumped to have map makers on our site. You'll find we are a DIEHARD TF2 crew. (wink) We usually do not allow first time posters to post links like yours but this time, we'll allow it. :rockon:

    Talk with TiberiusLazarus, he's kinda in charge of the TF2 server. Oh and talk with the IC folks. We're a good hearted crew. If we like it, we'll let you know. If we think it needs some work, we'll let you know and probably give you some suggestions.

    Well... stick around and enjoy my internet home. :D

  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    This definitely looks worth checking out! Thanks for stopping by swaty, hopefully you'll stick around.
  • QuadyTheTurnipQuadyTheTurnip Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    QCH wrote:
    We are so pumped to have map makers on our site. You'll find we are a DIEHARD TF2 crew.

    Oh hi there QCH, how's it going :P

    Sadly, at the moment, I don't have enough spare time to get any of my maps to a far-enough-along point that I feel they're worth playtesting. But hopefully within a few months i'll have time...

    My buddy Error: Null Turnip Exception has a map that's almost done (frankly, it's ready for playtest, he's just making some awesome cosmetic changes to the map design).

    So yeah.

    And i'll definitely check this map out, thanks for the map recomendation.
  • edited November 2009
    QCH wrote:
    Welcome to Icrontic swaty...

    We are so pumped to have map makers on our site. You'll find we are a DIEHARD TF2 crew. (wink) We usually do not allow first time posters to post links like yours but this time, we'll allow it. :rockon:

    Talk with TiberiusLazarus, he's kinda in charge of the TF2 server. Oh and talk with the IC folks. We're a good hearted crew. If we like it, we'll let you know. If we think it needs some work, we'll let you know and probably give you some suggestions.

    Well... stick around and enjoy my internet home. :D


    Sorry, I didn't know. I'll try to talk to TiberiusLazarus and see what he says. :D
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    Welcome to IC, Swaty :D
  • TiberiusLazarusTiberiusLazarus Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    I'm game for trying out new maps. It looks interesting and there seem to be a couple people in for it, as well. I'll go ahead and download it then try it/toss it up on the server.

    Welcome to Icrontic :wave:
  • edited November 2009
    Thank you guys! I barely have time at home to even play my maps, I just dropped by to let you guys know that b4 is out. :D

    Beta 4 is out with some huge changes!


    Change Log from B3 to b4

    -Changed the health kit in mid from small to medium.
    -Fixed a few props floating.
    -Fixed the stairs in the mid.
    -Changed the location of the 2nd forward spawn.
    -Added another route from last point to 2nd point.
    -Improved fps using occluders.
    -Added a bridge at the second point to add more height variation.
    -Changed the health kit size from medium to small at second point.
    -Added more signs on the wall.
    -Increased the ceiling.
    -Moved back the ressuply cabinets.
    -Added small hp/ammo at last in the new route.
    -Added another route for the underwater route.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    Thanks swaty!!!
  • _k_k P-Town, Texas Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    How come we have never played this when I am around.
  • TiberiusLazarusTiberiusLazarus Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    Because no one has changed the map to it while you were around?

    In fact, I'm not sure its ever been played on the server. Its there, go play it if you would like to.
  • WinfreyWinfrey waddafuh Missouri Icrontian
    edited November 2009
    Any ideas as to why the server wouldn't let anyone download the map? I'll download it beforehand this time, in case we get the opportunity to play.
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