ICHQ Checklist
Just wondering what are the items I should be bringing for EPIC to make my stay most comfortable minus the obvious:
- Computer and accessories
- Fine Canadian Beer (NOT XXX)
- Blankets + pillow
- Toothbrush, deodorant, razor...etc..
lordbean contacted me about driving together. What are the "extra" items we should be thinking of getting together for this most awesome event?
Take note, we're coming in a Toyota Celica GT....space is not in abundance.
- Computer and accessories
- Fine Canadian Beer (NOT XXX)
- Blankets + pillow
- Toothbrush, deodorant, razor...etc..
lordbean contacted me about driving together. What are the "extra" items we should be thinking of getting together for this most awesome event?
Take note, we're coming in a Toyota Celica GT....space is not in abundance.
Grand idea!
That way you can smack Robert with it when all else fails. :bigggrin:
Preperations 7 month in advance? That's hardcore!
Definitely a towel. Consider bringing a tent if you have one, but those details won't be worked out for a LONG time. Chances are, we'll have plenty of tent space.
I always bring a big water bottle (a nalgene) to fill and drink during the day and gaming sessions when beer isn't in the cards (which isn't often)
Great point.
I know it's early, but, you won't be hearing be bitching about not having something with me.
It helps if you have some cash instead of just a card to speed restaurant bill settling, but that's up to you.
Laptop if you have/want one. Desktop is good for Expo and for smaller events.
Sharp elbows to keep the ladies off of you.
Something with significant amounts of caffeine.
Drum sticks (so we can show these bitches who is the drummar masters of the ooneverse)
what? no... the trick to not getting a hangover is to avoid being sober the entire weekend.
edit: don't follow my advice. it's a horrible idea.
edit of edit: except for the advice about not following my advice.