L4D2 pistols vs melee

The melee weapons are great. I almost can't use the frying pan right now, because the cacophany of three stooges sound effects makes me laugh so hard I can't aim straight. Really digging the new pistols too, the standard one feels a lot better than the first game's .45, and the automag is just awesome.
I just wish we didn't have to choose between the two. Why can't I carry a frying pan AND a pistol? It becomes even stranger if you're incapacitated, because you pull some magical pistol out of your ass while incapped. The awesomeness of a magical ass pistol notwithstanding, it would be nifty to be able to switch between pistol/melee freely.
I just wish we didn't have to choose between the two. Why can't I carry a frying pan AND a pistol? It becomes even stranger if you're incapacitated, because you pull some magical pistol out of your ass while incapped. The awesomeness of a magical ass pistol notwithstanding, it would be nifty to be able to switch between pistol/melee freely.