Replacement Vid Card For ATI 9000Pro

dancerdancer Blue Mountains, Australia
edited June 2003 in Hardware
Hi, i'm looking for a replacement vid card for my ATI 9000Pro.
I was leaning towards the GFX5600's as i can get them from between $270 and $320 AU.

My main picks are:

Abit Siluro 5600 DT 256mb - $280
X-Micro FX5600 256-TV - $280
X-Micro FX5600 128-TV - $270
X-Micro FX5600 256-GOLD-TV - $320

Or if i went ATI:

Gigacube ATI 9600 Pro Lite - 256mb - $296
PowerColor 128MB DDR ATI Radeon 9600 Pro - $299

What are ppl's Thoughts on this as i would like to keep to around these prices $280-$320..

BTW, i don't do a lot of gaming but prob won't buy a vid card for at least 1yr so i want to be able to play d3 and h-l2 when they come out. And i prefer Quality over speed.

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