Very nice! And you included a great clip from desertbus. So the question is... what are you going to do on cyber Monday, look around and then go home empty handed?
Very nice! And you included a great clip from desertbus. So the question is... what are you going to do on cyber Monday, look around and then go home empty handed?
Cyber Monday is almost the same routine. I look around, say 'wow, what a great deal!' then I shy away from spending money (because I'm like that) and decide to keep saving, and leave without buying.
Koreish - I don't know if my brain could handle a return to that early 90's battleground. That stupid chalk enemy in the commercial gave me nightmares.
But it still wasn't as cool as doing battle in the pits of hell, as Crossfire showed us.
Ryder - I love that shirt. It is hard for me to find t-shirts that fit me well, and that one is one of the best fits ever.
I'm debating if I even want to try to get that accomplishment. I saved that bastard in Episode 2 and it was the death of me many times over. So freaking hard to get it to stay in the car.
Or not. Either way, awesome addition to Mind.
Cyber Monday is almost the same routine. I look around, say 'wow, what a great deal!' then I shy away from spending money (because I'm like that) and decide to keep saving, and leave without buying.
Koreish - I don't know if my brain could handle a return to that early 90's battleground. That stupid chalk enemy in the commercial gave me nightmares.
But it still wasn't as cool as doing battle in the pits of hell, as Crossfire showed us.
Ryder - I love that shirt. It is hard for me to find t-shirts that fit me well, and that one is one of the best fits ever.
(We did actually finish it for the achievement - successfully rescued Gnomeski from the carnival)
I'm debating if I even want to try to get that accomplishment. I saved that bastard in Episode 2 and it was the death of me many times over. So freaking hard to get it to stay in the car.
welcome to my world.
or maybe i remember wrong. i was drinking, after all.
and yes, I failed both times.
Maintaining a high level of disappointment.
This episode was not an easy deadline, and to be honest, I cut a lot of corners to get it out the door before the end of saturday.