slipstream/SATA driver question
Since my internet computer got hit with a virus bomb last Friday and I spent a day and a half reinstalling software, I thought I'd finally follow my own advice to others and make a backup. Then I found the article on slipstreaming, and thought it might save me some time, and be a handy thing to have. I tried to follow the article (quite well done, btw), but I hit a snag on the driver repository link when looking for SATA drivers for my disks. The link didn't work. So I did a little digging, and I'm not sure now if I look for the drivers I need on this site, the site of the drive manufacturers, or the site of the motherboard manufacturer. My system (Dell Optiplex GX620) has 2 SATA disks, a Samsung Spinpoint P80 (SP1614C, 160GB, boot drive), and a Hitachi Deskstar 7K80 (HDS728080PLA380, secondary drive). It also has a 500GB IDE drive, but that shouldn't be an issue in this scenario. ANy suggestions/advice? Thanks.
I should mention that I was building the slipstream disk on another computer; should I be doing it on the machine with the SATA drives, and if so, would the drivers needed be found by the software?
I should mention that I was building the slipstream disk on another computer; should I be doing it on the machine with the SATA drives, and if so, would the drivers needed be found by the software?
Thanks again.