Need some help to get a speaker system.

leishi85leishi85 Grand Rapids, MI Icrontian
edited January 2004 in Internet & Media
Can anyone show me a setup of a speaker system, like Receiver and speakers and subs for a home theater system
My dad is look around less than $1000, and he wants to beable to plug in microphones, and watch movies and listen to music.
so what are some good setups???
we want to get it seperate so we can add and switch stuff later, instead of buying one of thiose home theater system in a box, and not be able to change muxh later on.



  • McBainMcBain San Clemente, CA New
    edited January 2004
    Gimme some time and I'll post one for you.....I just did one for my buddy 2 weeks ago....and I kept it under a grand too!
  • McBainMcBain San Clemente, CA New
    edited January 2004
    Pioneer S-DF3-K Bookshelfs 4 of em--300$ ( ~$150 pair) Fantastic Speakers to start--You mentioned upgrade, so droppin 2 of these to be special effect speakers and picking up two monsters could be an option later in life if you decide to get a 7.1 reciever.

    Pioneer S-DC1-K Center - 90$ I run this one.....extremely clear, not muddy, and very responsive

    Sony SA-WX700 SUB -200$ Comes highly recommended, but I haven't heard it. Its sony( :-/ ) So you might wanna listen to it before you buy.

    Denon AVR-684 270$ Denon has kinda slipped over the past few years, but I think they got it right with this one. Also, you might wanna upgrade to a 7.1 system with the left over money and then you'd just need to buy 2 new speakers for an upgrade.

    Total---860$ + shipping + give or take prices a bit puts you around 1000$
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