No power to keyboard
Wayland, MA
When I start my computer and it is in the BIOS mode I can see the light for cap lock, scroll lock etc, but when I boot up to windows I get no power to my keyboard. Anyone out there to help me?
I'm going to guess that this is a USB keyboard. In which case there are a couple things to check. First go through your BIOS and make sure you haven't got any settings that in anyway dictate how the USB works. Assuming that's all as it should be it's on to windows.
Now if this is a new keyboard it could just be that windows hasn't installed the drivers yet. Boot up the computer and just let it sit. It could take 5-15 minutes before windows recognizes the usb keyboard and installs the drivers. It will do this even if you haven't logged into windows yet.
If you still can't seem to get anything to work you can get a USB>PS2 adapter that should solve the problem.
If this is a PS/2 Keyboard check your bios settings again but other then that not sure what else to advise. I've yet to see windows throw a fit on a PS/2 Keyboard that is working at boot.
disable them both and plug in a standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse. If that doesnt work reload your default settings in your bios and run a boot up only once without the keyboard or mouse plugged in. Power down and plug in the PS/2 first and test, if it works plug in the USB and test. If this doesnt work then something is physically conflicting on the mobo.