Nice... How long do we think it will take before handset manufacturers realize that people WILL find a way to do what THEY want on/with/to a device and stop locking crap down?
I rooted my Moment as soon as I found I was able. Haven't done much/anything with it yet except for removing a couple of annoying apps that I'll never use. But still, even with my lack of interest in running customized ROMs, etc, as soon as I was able, I took control of my device.
I'm hoping that if the rumors are true about the Nexus One that Google is doing it because they are pissed off about the way the carriers and manufacturer's are locking down the ecosystem, and that they are releasing the phone with an unlocked bootloader.
I rooted my Moment as soon as I found I was able. Haven't done much/anything with it yet except for removing a couple of annoying apps that I'll never use. But still, even with my lack of interest in running customized ROMs, etc, as soon as I was able, I took control of my device.
Learn, companies. Learn.