AGP Speed and Fastwrites issue
I don't have a screenshot right now cuase I JUST reinstalled windows and finally got it working again.
I have a Radeon 9700 Pro which for some reason won't keep the settings for AGP speed and fastwrites under the SMARTGEAR tab in advanced settings for the display.... they won't stay.
The settings are STUCK at AGP Speed _OFF_ and fast writes are OFF also. When I do retest, it will turn on fastwrites, but keep AGP speed at OFF instead of 8x like it is supposed to be.
These are Cat's 3.10 WHQL if I remember correctly. I HAVE looked in my BIOS and I have changed the settings and hit apply to make sure that they "stick" which then it tells me to restart which I do and also check the BIOS just in case and I get NOTHING.
The BIOS has my AGP speed set to 8x yet the driver says OFF... god if it isn't one issue it is ANOTHER. This new system is a pain in the ass.
I have a Radeon 9700 Pro which for some reason won't keep the settings for AGP speed and fastwrites under the SMARTGEAR tab in advanced settings for the display.... they won't stay.
The settings are STUCK at AGP Speed _OFF_ and fast writes are OFF also. When I do retest, it will turn on fastwrites, but keep AGP speed at OFF instead of 8x like it is supposed to be.
These are Cat's 3.10 WHQL if I remember correctly. I HAVE looked in my BIOS and I have changed the settings and hit apply to make sure that they "stick" which then it tells me to restart which I do and also check the BIOS just in case and I get NOTHING.
The BIOS has my AGP speed set to 8x yet the driver says OFF... god if it isn't one issue it is ANOTHER. This new system is a pain in the ass.
It's wrong.
Something is very wrong.
Was getting high 17k and now am stuck with high 14K to low 15K 3D Marks
I have radeon 9700 Pro and just rebuilt XP a few weeks ago. I immediately installed the 96c Omega drivers for the Radeon. (I can't remember the whole version number, but I think the last three characters are the important ones.)
I was getting 17K+ with a previous version. I think that was version 78A.
I am planning to try and figure the problem out tonight and will post here if I figure anything out.
If you have figured anything out, I'd appreciate it if you could post some info here.
thanks and good luck...
I tried uninstalling gart, reinstalling all the drivers in a specific order, sacrificing my next door neighbor's dog (an abhorrence of a pet.) Nada.
I'll try to look around for some quick reg fixes.
I know this is SORTA off topic, but maybe if its found to be useless you will only need to fix your AGP Speed setting.
The results were something like 100fps without and 250fps with (EMBM is used for enviromental effects such as reflections, such as some water, tiled floor reflectons etc).
This happens in all games and I though it was a textures problems, but then I saw smartgarp... in that panel said my AGP speed was 1X ???? but in my BIOS was set to 2X
I have a SOYO 6vbA133 motherboard, PIII 800EB, 356 MB RAM, radeon 7200 AGP video card
Can anybody give help?
Wild Idea. XP Pro is not a Plug'n'Play OS, and leaving PNP O\S enabled or set to YES in BIOS can cause a misdetect-- or a series of them (PCI cards will bench to AGP 1X sometimes). Second, if you have reset the CMOS the default might have left you with a box that is sending video to AGP at PCI rates. In this case, just fixing BIOS settings MIGHT give you a doubling of video rate. Or MORE, if the card is an 8X card (from number, guessing a 4X). But, the Nforce drivers, latest from NVidia, will help also if this is an nforce chipset motherboard (HOPE it is since that was brought up).
Given this is an older system, also try tuning XP to pull un-needed services or to disable them, that will save on RAM and leave your box not swapping the game to and from swap file on HD which might also be happening. AND, given the card, would NOT put DirectX 9.0 on the box.
I think you meant 256 MB RAM, right??? If not, what are the DIMM sizes on your board???
John D.
I also installed dx9b - is this the best one??
keep dx9b, its what you want
I would say leave it enabled if you can, but if you cannot enable it dont sweat it because it does nothing that i have found.