Dell Optiplex, P2, hard drive partitioning?
I just recieved this Dell Optiplex GX1 with a P2 and the hard drive has been wiped clean and is in need of partitioning I am told. WHere do I start? I am ready to install Windows 98 on the unit. I did D:\setup and it began to scan the registry but seemed to freeze there. Any suggestions?

If it's freezing at the registry scan, there's something else wrong.
try setup /nr
if you add the "/nr" switch after the setup, it will skip the registry scan.
Scaanning system registry...
Windows Setup requires 7340032 bytes available on your" and that's it. What now?
I'm assuming you're doing this from a Win98 rescue disk.
2) Did you figure out whether or not the 2 32MB modules it already has are registered/ECC modules? If they are, then it won't take an unbuffered module in addition, since you can't mix and match 72bit and 64bit DIMMs. In fact, in this configuration it will behave strangely and probably won't POST.
MOST cheap PC133 128 and 256MB modules use 32 megabit chips, so your machine will either see half the capacity of the module or won't POST.
You can tell a registered/ECC module by looking at it. It will have an odd number of chips on each side and a line of small IC's between the memory chips and the card edge connector. Those IC's are the "buffers" or "registers" that add an additional clock cycle between each memory transaction and beef up the signal strength. Registered/ECC RAM is really only desirable in mission-critical servers and desktops that need extra stability (usually dual processor boxes).
No point in swapping out the motherboard. You'd have to find an identical Dell motherboard since Dell uses proprietary case designs.
I found some sticks of 128MB over on zipzoomfly for a Dimension XPS R series today. Here's the link: