My computer restarts when loading windows?
I Have recently re-installed my operating system. Now when ever i turn on my computer it brings up the menu asking whether or not to start the computer on safe mode Etc. If i click normally it starts to load up but even before it gets to the log-in page it restarts and goes back to the begining. It does this over and over. If i click safe mode it runs through all these things and then does asactly the same as the normal one. I Thought that maybe if i re-installed my software it may solve the problem. But now when i start my computer i get two options, "Windows XP profesional" and "Windows Xp Profesional". One is the new instalment and the other is the old. If i load the new one it works fine, but if i load the old one i still have the same problem (the automatic rebooting). I Pressed F8 and i turned off the automatic restart. i got this. "0x00000024 (0x001902FE, 0xF896F3D0, 0xF896F0CC, 0x865809B0)" It isn't a new computer, (Dell: Dimension 3000) I have tried starting up the system using the last working settings but it still didnt work
I preferably want to get the old installment working as it has all of my music on it, but its not imperative. This has happened to me before and i had to take it to the local computer shop, but it cost me £60 and i could do without having to spend the money.
I have been told to take the information off of the old installment but i dont know how to?
I preferably want to get the old installment working as it has all of my music on it, but its not imperative. This has happened to me before and i had to take it to the local computer shop, but it cost me £60 and i could do without having to spend the money.
I have been told to take the information off of the old installment but i dont know how to?
That being said. It sounds like you did a new install, but not a clean install. So essentially you've got windows installed twice on the same drive. There's going to be lots of pooled information that can lead to problems down the line. Realistically you should backup whatever data you need. Formate the drive and do a clean installation of windows. That should solve all your problems. Trying to fix a Frankenstein hybrid installation like you've got now is more likely to break your one installation that is currently working then it is to fix the old one.