Star Trek Online
So is anyone planning on checking this one out? I have been following it and it looks interesting. I am considering picking it up to try it out for a bit. The pre-order beta starts on January 12 and the preorder bonus differs based on where you order it from. The options are as follows:
GameStop: Exclusive ship: The classic USS Enterprise
Best Buy: Pet Tribble or Targ (based on faction)
Amazon: "Liberated Borg" Bridge Officer with "unique nanotechnology augmentations"
Direct2Drive: Multi-Spatial Personal Shield (regenerates itself and player health)
Wal-mart: Bonus Skill Points (bestows additional skill points)
Target: TR-116 ground weapon (micro-transporter beams projectiles to target, no line of sight required)
Steam: Chromodynamic Armor, improves critical hits and damage of energy weapons
GameStop: Exclusive ship: The classic USS Enterprise
Best Buy: Pet Tribble or Targ (based on faction)
Amazon: "Liberated Borg" Bridge Officer with "unique nanotechnology augmentations"
Direct2Drive: Multi-Spatial Personal Shield (regenerates itself and player health)
Wal-mart: Bonus Skill Points (bestows additional skill points)
Target: TR-116 ground weapon (micro-transporter beams projectiles to target, no line of sight required)
Steam: Chromodynamic Armor, improves critical hits and damage of energy weapons
I have high hopes for it, but fear it's going to be terrible. Early access to the beta for preorders starts tomorrow. We'll see!
Oh I'm a huge trek fan too.. if you look closely at my picture you can see the boxed set of ST:TNG behind me!
Please let me know how the game turns out.. I might fall for it yet.
The ground combat feels a little clunky to me, and I find a lot of the time certain actions are very buggy. Sometimes I won't see my phaser fire. Sometimes the enemy will get knocked back without an animation. All of a sudden he's on his ass, then all of a sudden he's standing again. I'm not sure if this is due to lag or not. Also, my sound gets really crackly when on the ground. In space, it's just fine. Not sure if it's my hardware or not.
Some of the menu systems and tutorial information is a bit clunky, but that's not necessarily an issue. It's early and they're looking for major feedback at this point.
Aside from that, I find the game fun so far. I have other minor gripes, but it still has the word "Beta" at the end. I'm excited to see where they take this.
/me sighs.
holodeck sexytimes?
What was the orginal game design?
I had friends lined up to play with me under this model, but we all dropped it like a sack of bricks when they threw cruisers at everybody.
That sounds like an MMO I would actually be willing to pay monthly for.
It could have been the whole Star Trek experience, perhaps that was too ambitious.