Ask them when they will stop making devices with proprietary standards that suck.
Precisely. Their brand doesn't have an audience, they have products with users that are pissed about their design choices. Deal with that, not how you're going to spin your image this year. Ugh.
I'd have to disagree, too. I can think of 6 people off the top of my head that have told/argued with me that Sony is a superior brand for x, whether or not it's actually true. Brands certainly have their audiences. They were the Apple before Apple, have since fallen off, and are trying to become that company again.
Informed consumers aren't part of brand audiences. Falling back on a brand name is what I do when I'm lazy or rushed, and I'm usually disappointed.
Exhibit A: piece of crap Sony car stereo that stopped gripping disks properly within a year
Exhibit B: piece of crap Aiwa (Sony) car stereo that stopped gripping disks properly within a year
None? I'm disappointed in you, Taylor.
None? I'm disappointed in you, Taylor.
"We messed up a bunch, so the suits had a meeting and this is what they decided we should do. Also, here is a hot babe."
Do I smell 37Signals? Daring Fireball?
Spend a month in retail and then tell me brands don't have diehard audiences.
Exhibit A: piece of crap Sony car stereo that stopped gripping disks properly within a year
Exhibit B: piece of crap Aiwa (Sony) car stereo that stopped gripping disks properly within a year