Windows 7 God Mode

Anyone played with this yet? Just make a new folder on your desktop, name it "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}". You don't have to do anything else, I've played with it a little bit.
All of your Win 7 settings are now in that folder instead of scattered around Control Panel, Registry, etc. It's a bit like the old PowerToys we had with XP...but with more. Very slick.
All of your Win 7 settings are now in that folder instead of scattered around Control Panel, Registry, etc. It's a bit like the old PowerToys we had with XP...but with more. Very slick.
It does make it a lot easier to find specific Control Panel functions without having to figure out which higher-level category the function belongs to.
That being said, though, 99% of those can be reached by Start + typing.
It just directly references a GUID. It's been there for years, through lots of variants of Windows.
Which, of course, means that <i>everyone</i> already knows about it.
My annoyance isn't about spreading the trick - it's about calling it GodMode and pretending it's MAGIC instead of telling people what it's actually doing. Everybody around the internet is just parroting it (and I mean sites and articles, not people), and the vast majority of them just call it GodMode, accept that that's what it is and that's the only way it works, and have no ambition to figure out why. One of the better articles said she didn't know how it worked, but she called Microsoft to ask how this "exploit" got into the system and how long it had been there.
Super cool trick. God Mode just rankles me. Apologies again.