Trying to lose a few pounds...



  • edited January 2011
    When I was in High school, I used to work out and go running all the time.
    I used to laugh at my Dad when he told me "All that eating will catch up to you"

    But I have been graduated for about two years. About a month after I graduated is when reality hit. I realized that I did not have the time that I used to have for working out, running etc. But I did not think much of it.

    Recently I got laid off from work. I had the perfect opportunity to start getting active. But instead I sat around and played video games, waiting for that call back to work.

    Well when 2010 hit, I was bored. I was searching through all of my old pictures and I found a picture of myself. Its crazy how you do not even realize that you are gaining weight much, until you see a comparison. This single picture has given me motivation to get myself to look as good as I used too.

    I know that I have gained weight around my waist and legs too. I don't even fit in a pair of pants that fit me perfectly fine in august.

    When I told my family my new plans, they all told me that I am not fat and that I do not need to loose any weight. This bothers me. Yes, I realize that I did not gain THAT MUCH weight. I wouldn't say that I am fat, but I am getting chunky. I feel that there is no better time to get back into shape than now. Why not change my ways now, instead of making it harder on myself 3 years down the road?

    I am going to post the old picture that I found along with a current pictures of me.

    I need some help though. Back in high school, I took weight training classes that provided me with all of the equipment that I needed. So now, I do not have all this equipment. I do not really have the money for a gym membership right now, but I do have SOME equipment here at home. I have one machine (sitting bench press, lat pulls, leg curls, pectoral curls) and I have a curling bar with about 75 pounds of plates.

    As for my diet. I really do not eat that much. I usually do not eat breakfast (I know its bad) and sometimes I only end up eating a little lunch and a dinner (usually NOT fast food)

    I have never really had to worry about loosing weight before. Back in school, it was all about gaining weight. So I really do not know what to do.
    My goal really is just to loose the extra pounds that I have gained. A little muscle would be nice, but I want to focus mostly on the fat for now.

    I am hoping that someone here can tell me the best way to loose weight, with just the equipment that I have access to (without going to the gym). Any special workout plans, or advice?

    EDIT: I just started running last week. Doing 30 minute runs through my neighborhood. I do not have a scale to weigh myself right now. I am planning on picking one up this week so that I can keep a log of any losses.

    I can't recommend you that you should leave the breakfast or any thing you want to eat but in sense of lossing weight you won't eat at all. You should have some exercise with a walk in early morning and have some diet food's also. Avoid from Sugar's as much and also from cholesterol and fat carrying food's.
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