I haven't run into anything like this on the 360 version. It seems like every time I start playing something else, MW2 gets some glitch/exploit that fucks it up for a bunch of people.
So much for getting rid of all the modded 360s. Way to waste resources MS.
Just to shut up all the 360 haters out there if you look at the youtube vids posted, they are PC players, not Xbox 360. The guy's profile says he is Xbox 360, but the videos show he is PC.
of course every non xbox gamer is gonna flame it, its gaming nature to have huge epeen and believe that their gaming preference is supreme.(pc here )
@Panz Did you not read the article and only watch video, which could have been off a video capture card to record all Xbox games plays....
Here is a quote from the first sentence-
"A new exploit in Modern Warfare 2 (on Xbox 360) is allowing griefers to reset their opponents’ ranks back to 1 by awarding them a large amount of negative XP at the end of the round."
If it is on Xbox it def is on Pc they are one in the same
The ONLY glitch I have ran into on my PS3 is the Javelin glitch which was fixed and the 'glide' crap where a dude practically flies around. I have only seen the fast mover once, and it actually made him pretty easy to kill. Unfortunately, most my friends bought the 360 version and all of them have stopped playing due to the troubles they run into constantly. This one though is twice as bad, as it not only affects gameplay, but affects your online file too! FkD Up.
idk how to quote, so yea.
The "Fast mover" is somebody holding a care package marker. Its really light, so you can move alot faster while holding it. And if it made him easier to kill, he was doing it wrong.
i look 4 ages to get in to a hacked sever all that there do is scam me 1050 headshots 10 bosting games i have a ratio of 00.61 now so i allway ask 4 a demo but there say no so if there say no then tere are going to f***** scame u. coment back cose i am with the ttg if eny one with ttg as clan or xbl gamertag send me msg i can get them kick out of the ttg.
Wtf every single person that says m2af i will be hosting a 10 presteige lobby everything unlocked for a 3 month or 1600 micosoft points are people that hav no life and Infinity award should ban these ppl that screw up other ppl ranks. ppl dat cheat can f**k off.
When my clan was hacked(360) we enterd a new game and we couldnt move or anything, the other players were out geting kills but we were all stuck in the 1st spon spot, we left the game and then noticed everything was F-ed in the A, 0 wins -over a billion losses all of our unlocks, achievments, and everything was gone. We all pay to play MW2 and as far as im concerned if EA doesnt fix it I want a FULL refund! How is it our fault that some guys have never touched a "boobie"?
So much for getting rid of all the modded 360s. Way to waste resources MS.
of course every non xbox gamer is gonna flame it, its gaming nature to have huge epeen and believe that their gaming preference is supreme.(pc here
Here is a quote from the first sentence-
"A new exploit in Modern Warfare 2 (on Xbox 360) is allowing griefers to reset their opponents’ ranks back to 1 by awarding them a large amount of negative XP at the end of the round."
If it is on Xbox it def is on Pc they are one in the same
idk how to quote, so yea.
The "Fast mover" is somebody holding a care package marker. Its really light, so you can move alot faster while holding it. And if it made him easier to kill, he was doing it wrong.
please help us
leaderboards->kills->pressY->pressX->scroll down and there are alot of ppl lvl 1 and with alot of points
and nothing of value was lost.
fix't... should have known better than to be too lazy to remember where my image dump was.