Laptop to Laptop (LT)

Ok folks...time to show your stuff!!!
I work for "a company"...who has showed time and time again how worthless their ITS department is...LOL At least in our department!!!
I have been issued a new laptop...and the guy is going to come and do my switch next week...Now I got him to put me off to last but a mass email came out saying how everyone was having issues since he messed with theirs!!! He isnt swapping over everything....
We are running XP...isnt there something that XP has where you can just run it and it saves all your stuff and then you just put it on a JD (Jump Drive) and then take it to the other LT and run it and it does it there?
I swear there is somthing like that!
My fear is Outlook! We/I (more than some others in the company use outlook like a freak) am freeked that this guy is gonna loose my or screw up my stuff...
Once again isnt there somethign there to do a quick swap here?
Show me your stuff!!!...I have the weekend to get this ready!!! and if he screws this up have my stuff ready to go!!!
I work for "a company"...who has showed time and time again how worthless their ITS department is...LOL At least in our department!!!
I have been issued a new laptop...and the guy is going to come and do my switch next week...Now I got him to put me off to last but a mass email came out saying how everyone was having issues since he messed with theirs!!! He isnt swapping over everything....
We are running XP...isnt there something that XP has where you can just run it and it saves all your stuff and then you just put it on a JD (Jump Drive) and then take it to the other LT and run it and it does it there?
I swear there is somthing like that!
My fear is Outlook! We/I (more than some others in the company use outlook like a freak) am freeked that this guy is gonna loose my or screw up my stuff...
Once again isnt there somethign there to do a quick swap here?
Show me your stuff!!!...I have the weekend to get this ready!!! and if he screws this up have my stuff ready to go!!!
XP does have a migration tool, I've never used it and I don't know how well it works.
Soooo....looks like the outlook manemanament system is the way i am going to go...figured as much....
Anyone got any ideas about the XP thing....
c: \documents and settings\Username\application data\local settings\microsoft\outlook
you should see .ost and .pst folders. The .ost folders are the exchange ones and you shouldn't need to transfer them to the new machine when you connect the new machine back to outlook it'll pull all of those emails back in. However you would need to transfer the .pst files usually personal.pst and possibly archive.pst. You can ignore any other files there.