Logon Message
I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for my problem or not. My problem is that when I boot my computer it goes to the logon screen and asks for a user password even though I removed all passwords. When I click enter I get the following logon message: The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted. I get the same message when I try the administrator in safe mode. As far as I know I am not part of a domain or network. It's just my home computer that's running windows xp pro and it is a Dell XPS 400. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you in advance for your help.
What does this screen look like?
Some examples on Google Images
and it has four buttons: OK Cancel Shut Down... Options<<
Also can try Administrator as username and blank password. That may get you to the Administrator profile for further testing.
I suggest that you boot into the NT offline password recovery disk and use it to blank the password on your account and/or the administrator account. Only use it to blank the password, attempting to set a new password with that tool usually doesn't work.