Guess I'm the party-pooper here... That pretty much looked like more of the same to me. I wasn't all that impressed with Bioshock. Still haven't bothered to finish the game. This doesn't look any more impressive than the last one.
Guess I'm the party-pooper here... That pretty much looked like more of the same to me. I wasn't all that impressed with Bioshock. This doesn't look any more impressive than the last one.
I think the first Bioshock was amazing. It was scary, (for me atleast)thrilling, and the powers you were able to use were very creative. The second Bioshock is most likely going to be even better sence you can now do multiplayer or play the big daddy in the campaign.
Glad I preordered.
She can't control water she has a very high level of telekinesis though which is probably affecting the water around her.
Also Unff.