
Control your PC with thoughts

edited January 2004 in Science & Tech
It seems the future may be closer than you 'think'! New interface technology, which hopefully will allow computer users to control their PC's with just thoughts, may be only a few months away from testing.

[blockquote]Five quadriplegic patients might be months away from testing a brain-computer interface created by Cyberkinetics, a privately held company in Foxboro, Massachusetts. The company's system, called BrainGate, could help patients with no mobility to control a computer, a robot or eventually their own rewired muscles, using only their thoughts. If the trials go well, a product could be on the market by 2007.
[link=http://www.wired.com/news/medtech/0,1286,61889,00.html?tw=wn_story_top5]Read more[/link]
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