Installing an O/S from a stick drive
New Jersey
Hello all,
It is me again. Thank you for helping me with my last issue but now I have a new one.
I need to install a new O/S onto my computer. I have Windows Vista 64bit downloaded onto a stick drive because that was the only way that I could copy it. I can only access my BIOS and Express Gateway. What is the best way to install this and how do I do it????
Please help because my wife is nagging me and giving me the "I told you so's". Help me to shut her up LOL.
It is me again. Thank you for helping me with my last issue but now I have a new one.
I need to install a new O/S onto my computer. I have Windows Vista 64bit downloaded onto a stick drive because that was the only way that I could copy it. I can only access my BIOS and Express Gateway. What is the best way to install this and how do I do it????
Please help because my wife is nagging me and giving me the "I told you so's". Help me to shut her up LOL.
What portions of that are complete already, and what state are the others in?
Do I need some sort of ISO downloaded onto the stick drive, or something like that??
What do you suggest??
It has worked and now I feel really really smart LOL. I'm just kidding! I hope this helps anyone else who decides to download an operating system from a flash drive on a new computer build.
By the way, the operating system installed so much faster because I used a flash drive instead of a DVD or CD!!!!!!!! Just a little food for thought!!!!