Games you regret not finishing



  • godzilla525godzilla525 Western Pennsylvania Member
    edited April 2010
    Prey. Mostly because I started playing through on the old Dell laptop (P-4m 1600, GF4Go..) got a new computer, started again..then stopped because I got busy with work and this is one of those games where I only want to start playing when I have several hours of contiguous free time at night without people bothering me...

    My other excuse was having to drag out the disc to play. The most recent patch I know about removes the CD check so that excuse is gone. :)

    Not to change the subject but games I regret not ever playing: Half-life (Liked the demo), HL2 (Still have no clue what evil things Steam will do to the computer), The Turok game that came out a couple years ago (a 3D game without dinosaurs is like a car without a prime mover)..and I still have a coupon for Dirt 2 that remains unused (see Steam comment).
  • coldalarmcoldalarm England, UK
    edited April 2010
    Not to change the subject but games I regret not ever playing: Half-life (Liked the demo), HL2 (Still have no clue what evil things Steam will do to the computer), The Turok game that came out a couple years ago (a 3D game without dinosaurs is like a car without a prime mover)..and I still have a coupon for Dirt 2 that remains unused (see Steam comment).
    On that subject change; Steam does nothing evil. It's fine :)

    I regret not finishing the two NWN2 expansions... Buuuut I've just restarted the OC with a Lawful Good female Air Gensai Fighter, so I'll probably move onto MotB with her followed by SoZ.
  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime Icrontian
    edited April 2010
    UPSLynx wrote:
    Metroid Prime was a great game, but I felt very much the same way about it. A visually dark game with graphics that deserved better than the Gamecube's hardware. Word felt too static and exploration was far too long and confusing.


    You do realize that when it was released Metroid Prime had arguably the best graphics of ANY console game ever made before it? Gamecube hardware was awesome and as for "long, confusing" exploration, welcome to a Metroid game. /end residual Gamecube fanboy rant. :D

    As far as games I regret not finishing I would have to say Hungry Hungry Hippos. One day I got it out and set up the whole thing only to find that my save file had tragically become corrupted. I never had strength to recover from the heartbreak and start over. :bawling:

    p.s. Octavarium > A Change of Seasons :p
  • CantiCanti =/= smalltime Icrontian
    edited April 2010
    Okay for real though. (now that I got the troll out of my system) Of all the games I can remember playing I hate that I never finished Chrono Trigger. I always heard such great things about it. I started playing it on an emulator at school some 6 years ago but some teacher was like, "That doesn't look like a 15 page paper about rabbit breeding." (How very observant of them.) Then I had to stop playing and go back to writing about rabbits. a.k.a. Print a bunch of rabbit pictures, staple them together, write my name on the front page, and turn it in. I got a B-. Agricultural awareness class = good times.
  • CharnelLord666CharnelLord666 Edmonton, AB Canada
    edited April 2010
    Hmm.. let me think..

    -Super Mario Galexy I technically beat but my little sister flipped the power during the credits.

    -Breath of Fire 3: This was my favorite game as a kid (5-7) and I cant remember how many times i rented that and hid it from my parents when it was time to give it back. However, I was young and sucked at RPG's. I hope to find it again and finish it though.

    -Legend of Dragoon: Plain and simple; That crystal boss thing is one annoying (am i allowed to use profanity on forums?)

    -Sword of Mana (for the GBA): Im still currently working on this game but its incredibly frustrating that there is almost no way to truly know what the hell your supposed to do.

    -Legend of Mana: Great game, but i found that the story (if there was one) was a little lacking. I loved the gameplay but the PS disk we had was scratched to all hell and it froze every 10 minutes.

    -Turok (N64): This was one of the best N64 games ive ever played as a kid and even now. I only personally know one person who ever beat this game without cheating.

    -Ur-Quan Masters/Starcon II: This game was incredibly frustrating to play and i wasted a good portion of my life just to get through it (there must be like 10 000 random unimportant solar systems). I dont exactly remember why i stopped playing it but i do remember that I was on my way to fight the Ur-Quan mothership (or whatever that was).

    On a different note, im glad to say that Ive just beaten Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS and it was one of my favorite PS games ever! That last boss fight was ridiculously easy compared to fighting that white caped guy (what was his name again?) and Dycedarg.
  • JingallsJingalls Eugene, OR
    edited April 2010
    Morrowind got pretty confusing with all those quests and no markers for their locations, but looking back I really wish I soldiered through it.
    Dead Space I had to give back to the friend it was on loan from.
    Metroid Prime 2 had me stuck at one of the bosses for so long that I'm still afraid to try.
  • highchronicleshighchronicles Toronto, On Canada
    edited June 2010
    Bioshock, i am apparently only an hour or so from the end but i find the game just terrible! I loved the book it is based on Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"

    Killzone 2 which suffered from generation changing graphics but terrible game play. This is also the case for Unreal 2

    Overlord and Assassin's Creed are unfortunately never finished and just gathering dust.

    Lastly Supreme Commander for 360, PC version is great but my comp can't handle it 360 is too difficult due to crappy radial menus DAMN THOSE RADIAL MENUS I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!
  • ObsidianObsidian Michigan Icrontian
    edited June 2010
    Persona 3 FES. It was a lot of fun but that game is just way too long. I never even started on the bonus content.
  • edited June 2010
    i really regret not finishing the first legend of zelda, because it's such a great game to me yet i can never find the 3rd temple and just keep going around the overworld killing things.
  • KoreishKoreish I'm a penguin, deal with it. KCMO Icrontian
    edited June 2010
    I didn't realize that there was a set order to the temples in the first Zelda game.
  • edited June 2010
    there isn't but they are numbered and so i like to try and do them in order which i haven't bothered to try and get a map/walk-through and this really makes me want to attempt it again
  • edited June 2010
    I'm a little afraid to admit that I've still never finished the original Half Life.
    same here could never figure out how to beat that giant monster thing in xen
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited June 2010
    nackbird wrote:
    same here could never figure out how to beat that giant monster thing in xen

    Gotta avoid it and turn the jet engine thing on.

    I haven't beat Half Life either. Always lost my save games to reformatting. I think I might have mentioned that earlier in this thread though o_O
  • edited June 2010
    ardichoke wrote:
    Gotta avoid it and turn the jet engine thing on.

    I haven't beat Half Life either. Always lost my save games to reformatting. I think I might have mentioned that earlier in this thread though o_O
    i meant this thing i could never figure out what to do72270_u610p115t9d62137f167dt20041123104852.jpg
  • edited June 2010
    Baldur's Gate.

    I got bored a few hours in, I hate having to sleep everytime I have to cast a spell. lol. Sad thing is I think I bought the expansion pack as well. One of these days I really have to dedicate a long weekend finishing all these games I have.
  • edited June 2010
    another game for me would be far cry 2

    i just couldnt take the jeeps allways shooting my engine out ever 5 feet

    i tryed to finish it twice once on xbox360 and agian on pc
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited June 2010
    nackbird wrote:
    i meant this thing i could never figure out what to do72270_u610p115t9d62137f167dt20041123104852.jpg

    Oh THAT... never got that far.
  • FrylockFrylock Washington St...not DC
    edited June 2010
    No matter how hard I try, I can't finish TF2. Right when I think I am about to beat it I get teleported to a new map
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