Cat 4.1's are here...
Ventura California
get em while they are hot...
Ok boys and girls, just remember to use the ATI cleanup utility before installing the new ones.
Bless me father for I did the cardinal sin of cat installation and went clean over the 3.10. No issues yet but not fully tested either.
Oh well I'm doing a total format anyhow once WXP sp2 goes final.
Cat 3.9
3.10 (the illogical step) <--( shouldn't that be 4.0?)
I am dumb. Why wouldn't they use 4.0?? (if it is in fact obvious, you guys can make fun of me)
3.1, 3.2 ...... 3.10, 3.11, 3.12
4.1, 4.2 ...... 4.10, 4.11, 4.12
It is plain bad luck to use the number 4, in some Asian country.
I didn't mention what country it is, because it is being discussed on the internet.
It is: Taiwan, China or Japan, you choose.
They use the numbers as year/month. Hence why no 4.0 set of drivers.
They have 3.0 but i think that was the start of DX9 support.
I remember the thread this was posted in but I couldn't find it when I last upgraded. Where is this little gem at? Must fix Halo problems
Find it here:
Its the Catalyst Driver Uninstaller in the D/L section here
From what I read when the 3.10's came out, the 1st number is the year and the 2nd number is the sequence, i.e, the 3.10's were the tenth set of drivers in '03 and 4.1's are the first drivers in '04, etc.
I got that with the 3.10 and below also. Turn off VPU auto recover(or whatever its called) and AGP fast writes and you should be good to go.