It's actually a login to an FTP which posts these materials.
I've tried copying the ASCII bits as a .AIF file (aperature image format) and playing it back in various audio programs. I've tried saving the ASCII data as image formats to no avail. I've also tried loading it up as a .CSV in excel (the comma-delimited elements are certain CSV), also to no avail.
Awesome idea, or very awesome idea: Gabe will announce that Portal 2 IS Episode 3. Two halves to the game, alternating between Gordon Freeman and Chell?
That is an intriguing hypothesis, Quady, and not beyond the realm of possibility. The vague hints at a looming tie in (will Gordon get the Portal gun? Chell is Alyx's mother?) are all hinting at something like this.
I'll put it this way: if any company could pull off a coup like that, it would be Valve... and it would be the gaming wow of the century.
A buddy of mine had this exact same hypothesis. We already know that the Portal Universe and Half-Life universe are connected so it really isn't that big a leap to assume that they may be the same game.
I've tried copying the ASCII bits as a .AIF file (aperature image format) and playing it back in various audio programs. I've tried saving the ASCII data as image formats to no avail. I've also tried loading it up as a .CSV in excel (the comma-delimited elements are certain CSV), also to no avail.
I'm stumped.
I expect something big to go down when Gabe talks at GDC.
I'll put it this way: if any company could pull off a coup like that, it would be Valve... and it would be the gaming wow of the century.
and I don't believe any of those statements to be fact.
But yeah, I don't believe the price or lack of tie-in either.