P4C800-E Deluxe Issues I am having

croc_croc_ New
edited January 2004 in Hardware
Whenever the computer is under load, my vcore drops to 1.5. Is this normal? If it is idle it jumps back up to 1.6 (or whatever I have it set at).

Also I have a few BIOS questions.

I don't know what these are:

DRAM Idle Timer (infinite, 0T, 8T, 16T, 64T, Auto)

Dram Refresh Mode (auto, 15.6 uSec, 7.8 uSec, 64 uSec, 64T)

Dram Burst Length (8, 4)

Spread Spectrum (on, off)

MPS Revision (1.1, 1.4)


  • ketoketo Occupied. Or is it preoccupied? Icrontian
    edited January 2004
    1) Yes, the voltage drop is normal/known issue on that mobo. There is/are voltage mods out there on the 'net to fix this. I haven't "fixed" mine, as it's under 2XF@H load 24/7 so voltage is set accordingly

    DRAM Idle - fastest is 64T, but have to set @ Auto for overclocked stability
    DRAM Refresh - fastest is 64u but have to set @ Auto for overclocked stability
    DRAM Burst - 4 is fastest at any cpu/memory speed
    Spread Spectrum is EMI emission control, turn off for max stability
    MPS revision set to 1.4 if on NT-based O/S

    At least, that's what works for me.
  • croc_croc_ New
    edited January 2004
    Thanks!!! I have those settings already, so looks like im good to go.

    The voltage isn't really a problem, because the damn thing runs at 3.7 @ 1.5-1.6 vcore just fine (and really cool!!! 42-44c full load!!).

    BTW Keto your WU count right now (1-23-04 @ 3:21pm PST) is 666. Scary.
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