Legends of Zork...
Has anyone tried this new Activision browser-based game? I find it rather entertaining. There is wit and a large amount of that silliness you could expect from games like the Discworld series, Munchkin, and long drawn-out campaigns of Dungeons & Dragons (The point where the good rogue starts randomly stealing from people because he is bored of the last 5 mind-numbing hours.). Go to Gamestop and grab a promotional card for your chance to win stuff. Apparently, free games for a year. I, on the other hand, just wanted to try it out. You should try it if you like that kind of thing.
My name is Jingkaide.
My name is Jingkaide.
I thought the same thing. Do you like it?
This makes me think that you hate it. Would I be correct? Since I posted this, I have stopped playing the game. It got boring. So did Shakes & Fidget. I can't seem to find any free games that really hook me.
Cyrkam Airtös
That game is ridiculous. I am not addicted to it, but I may be later as I continue to try to master the arm kinetic throw of doom and destruction...ness.