AWESOME deal on 100% whey protein powder

ThraxThrax 🐌Austin, TX Icrontian
edited May 2010 in Fitness
Meijer is currently selling 2lbs tubs of 100% whey protein from Bodylogix for $12.99. If you buy three, that comes out to about $39 for 6lbs.

This is a fantastic deal.

The best price/performance whey protein you can find on an everyday basis is EAS 100% whey from Costco, which is $35 for 5lbs. EAS products taste great, and $35 for 5lbs is a pretty good price.

But this Bodylogix stuff tastes incredible (strawberry banana, sweetened with Stevia!) and the nutrition facts are comparable. It won't mess you up if you're lactose intolerant, it's low carb (2g per 24g of protein), and it's CHEAP.

The deal ends at the end of the month.


  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Hmmmm... just in time for me to refill for the month. Now to find a Mejer where I'll be tonight. Thanks Thrax!!!
  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    I have never used whey protein, and admittedly, I know very little about it, but I am interested.

    Is there anything I should know about using whey protein? Do we have any guides or topics on IC about it? And is it good for people who primarily do cardio when they work out?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    100% whey protein is a dietary supplement, that must be remembered. It must be supported by 3-4 real meals a day, because it is not food.

    Whey protein isolate ("100% whey protein") is used for muscle recovery, because it can be broken down and delivered more quickly than protein from food. Along with 30-40g of carbs, 20-30g of protein from powder is an ideal post-workout meal, taken 0-30 minutes after finishing.

    You can mix the powder with ice cold water and eat it with 100% whole wheat bread, or mix it with 2% milk for carbs.
  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    So you would recommend having a post-run shake with my daily workout? Or is it better suited for muscle recovery in cases of upper body strength building?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    It's better for muscle recovery with weight training, but it'll still help with endurance cardio, because of muscle breakdown/lactic acid buildups.
  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    awesome, thanks for the insight. I'll go to Meijer and check it out. After three years of distance running, I've been thinking on how to push my workouts further, and protein shakes have been something I've thought about for years, but lack of knowledge just kept me away. Running five miles isn't really difficult for me anymore, so I need to try and up my game.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    FML for moving 2400 miles away from Meijer.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Easy... Ask Rob to buy some and ship it... og wait, that would cost more than what you saved. :D
  • UPSLynxUPSLynx :KAPPA: Redwood City, CA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Rob, do you want some? I can pick it up and deliver at the end of the month.
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    If you pick me up a bag, I'd love to try it. Thanks Bobby!
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    According to, they do not stock Bodylogix Whey Protein. I'll stop by the store tonight to see what they have in person. Maybe it's a MI thing?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2010 is wrong with stunning regularity. Very irritating. For example, I was once looking for a container the .com said my store carried, but after searching the section it was supposed to be in from floor to ceiling, it was nowhere to be found.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2010

    If I search for "whey protein", I get 4.3 million hits none of which is the bodylogix stuff.

    If I click on the weekly ad and browse through it, no bodylogix.

    However, if I click on the weekly ad and search for whey protein, BINGO. No image but it shows the $12.99 with the 3 flavors. I HOPE I can find it in the store tonight.
  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Rob is lying to all of you. His fancy new protein powder tastes just like amoxicillin, which is that gross pink liquid that they make you take when you have strep. It is not tasty.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    ...Says the girl who never really liked any protein powder she's ever tried, anyhow.

  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    ...Except for all the EAS stuff...I was quite fine with that...
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    I'm going by Thrax... besides, he'll buy my used if I don't like it... Right? :D
  • GnomeQueenGnomeQueen The Lulz Queen Mountain Dew Mouth Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    He won't deny that it tastes like amoxicillin. He likes the taste of amoxicillin, so that's not an issue for him. So if you like yucky medicine protein powder, be my guest.
  • BobbyDigiBobbyDigi ? R U #Hats ! TX Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Results > taste, mirite?

    Like cheap Vodka, it's what it does after consumption.

    Once my house has new flooring I will be getting back into daily workouts and looking into starting a protein shake plan. Thrax if you have any good links explaining the science behind it, I am very interested.

  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    The science is actually very simple:

    Activities that leverage heavy muscle activity leads to a breakdown in the fibers, which we colloquially call "damage." It's not harmful damage, but the fibers do get destroyed. It's a natural process.

    To regenerate those muscle fibers, you need protein, because that's what muscles are. If you get enough protein to meet your basic caloric needs (about 2300-2500 calories a day for most adult males), the muscles will be repaired to their original size. If you get enough protein to exceed what your muscles require for basic repair, then they will get bigger than they were before, provided the rest of your diet is clean as well.

    The most efficient way to deliver protein is in liquid form because, as vaccinations and injections have proven, our body metabolizes this delivery mechanism the quickest--there's no digestion time.

    You cannot live on protein powder alone because there aren't enough additional nutrients to make it nutritionally valuable on its own. It's good as a supplement, however, because it provides the protein that would take an otherwise unreasonable amount of food to achieve. Combined with 3-4 good meals a day, it's great.

    Protein powder should not be taken unless you're seriously dedicated (3-4 days a week, every week) to activities that have a serious cardiovascular impact, be that heavy weight training (whatever your goals) or pure cardio.
  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    I am the proud owner of three 2lb jugs of Bodylogix. One of each flavor. Tomorrow I will try my first. Stay tuned....
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