I have a question. Are these videos available on YouTube? If not, why not? That way Icrontic could get more hits and members. That's just my opinion, though.
As Primesuspect said, YouTube is (for whatever reason) totally ruthless about removing videos that contain clips of game trailers, even if the world is authorized to post them.
As Primesuspect said, YouTube is (for whatever reason) totally ruthless about removing videos that contain clips of game trailers, even if the world is authorized to post them.
Who knows.
That's the fault of Viacom, however if you have permission for those clips, YouTube will let you keep it up. If they do take it down, you just push the button that let's you fill out the claim form and then explain to them that you are allowed to use all of the content.
I could see, though that that could be a hassle for most all videos.
*can't wait for 3DDGH
Your exclamation led me to double check. No, in fact, it was released for Xbox 360 as well. Not sure why I missed that.
Oh, I see. If I may be so bold, why is that?
Who knows.
That's the fault of Viacom, however if you have permission for those clips, YouTube will let you keep it up. If they do take it down, you just push the button that let's you fill out the claim form and then explain to them that you are allowed to use all of the content.
I could see, though that that could be a hassle for most all videos.