I think this would be a nice dinner to contrast with the Golden Harvest place, since it's a seafood specialty restaurant. How does that sound? Good date?
I think this would be a nice dinner to contrast with the Golden Harvest place, since it's a seafood specialty restaurant. How does that sound? Good date?
I 2nd this
Mt_GoatHead Cheezy KnobPflugerville (north of Austin)Icrontian
edited June 2010
I will haved this in as much stone as possible by Wed 06.16.2010.
Wednesday night for those there for setup? The other food tour choices sound too delicious! Or the night of pizza, maybe. BBQ would be healthier than Pizza, and I gotta look good in a wedding dress next October!
didn't realize it was Sunday. I'm all down for replacing the Pizza day.
Mt_GoatHead Cheezy KnobPflugerville (north of Austin)Icrontian
edited June 2010
I wish I had better news for this thread. But I am to do testing for a new job most of the week and as a result cannot attend at all. If it were anything else I would have skipped the other to attend and do the BBQ. But the good news is that I may end up with an awesome job compared to what I am doing now. So to those who were looking forward to this I am sincerely sorry. Hopefully I can get to do it another time.
Wednesday night for those there for setup? The other food tour choices sound too delicious! Or the night of pizza, maybe. BBQ would be healthier than Pizza, and I gotta look good in a wedding dress next October!
Smoking a pork shoulder takes 10-12 hours so we wouldnt be able to do it Wed.
I'm also still interested. I didn't know we were smoking a pork shoulder.... Magic, hunny... am I allowed to eat that? I'll have some chicken.
Allowed to eat it? I just thought the intent was to do a pulled pork. We can do pulled chicken or w/e people want. Easiest to do all the same thing though.
Heh... I don't think there was ever a final decision on what exactly was going to be cooked... just generic "BBQ of some sort" (or rather, grilling of some sort)
Allowed to eat it? I just thought the intent was to do a pulled pork. We can do pulled chicken or w/e people want. Easiest to do all the same thing though.
The pork shoulder just didn't sound very healthy... that's all I meant.
So should we keep the BBQ on for Pizza night? That is what we put on the calendar. And we should be able to use Brian's grill, if it's not too many people.
I 2nd this
Wags: She haz teh good ideaz
Any update on this?
Smoking a pork shoulder takes 10-12 hours so we wouldnt be able to do it Wed.
Allowed to eat it?
The pork shoulder just didn't sound very healthy... that's all I meant.
to have. But pulled pork isn't unhealthy all the fat is smoked out.
Then we can put it on the calendar.
Good for me