Looking for AA and AAA rechargeable battery suggestions

BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
edited May 2010 in Hardware
Hey all,

I've been using an aging set of AA and AAA rechargeable batteries, but it's time for me to pick up a new set. With so many choices out there, I wanted to see if anyone out there has any suggestions for what to get.

I'm looking for something that holds a good charge, is good quality, will last a long time, and doesn't take forever and a day to charge. They will be used in a variety of tech devices, from digital camera accessories (bounce flash) to laser pointers (high drain) to game controllers (slower drain). I'm not wanting to spend a stupid amount of money, but I am very much open to more premium brands, such as Eneloop.

For reference, the brand I have been using is the dated Ray-o-vac 15-minute rechargeables that used their in-cell IC-3 technology (allows fast charge and prevents overcharge). They're really good batteries and are still holding a good charge (very surprising, considering how hard a 15-minute charge must be on them), but haven't been offered in retail stores for years and I'm running out of them as I collect new devices. I'm spoiled on the quick charge, but I'm willing to go for a slower 2 or 4-hour charge ones, or even slower if they're worth it.

Also, since they're related, I'm also interested in 3rd-party chargers, as I've seen a few that people have said they like and they work "better" than the stock ones that come with batteries. "Charge better, keeps batteries in working condition longer, cycles them better, acts like a battery doctor" etc. Snake oil? You tell me.

Any thoughts would be helpful, so thanks in advance. The more quality options, the better.


  • QCHQCH Ancient Guru Chicago Area - USA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    My boss, which is really on top of these things, suggested <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000IV2WAW?ie=UTF8&tag=icrontic-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B000IV2WAW">SANYO eneloop</a><img src="http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=icrontic-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B000IV2WAW&quot; width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />. He uses them and really likes them.
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Sweet, thanks QCH for the tip-off of the eneloops.

    I'm currently reading a site that contains a few unbiased reviews that this one hard-core battery user has put on. Read with salt and all, but I found them to be fairly helpful (and more-or-less recent, only about 3 years old).

    - SANYO eneloop review - checks out the eneloops by themselves - they look very nice

    - Review of several different low self-discharge batteries (eneloop-style batts), stacking up Eneloops to their current like-minded rivals.

    - - -

    Overall looks like Eneloops are a great option, and I love the idea of the low-discharge. I can use them for pretty much all my uses, from my wall clock to my camera flash.

    I heard there was a new higher-capacity Eneloop on the horizon. If that's true I may hold out just a little bit longer...
  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Sanyo Eneloop. The last rechargeable battery you'll ever buy. I have two chargers: a MAHA/Powerex 4-cell smart charger and a Sanyo USB smart charger that came with a couple of Eneloop AAAs. Both have independent charging circuitry for each cell and slow-charge at 500 mA though the MAHA one has a fast-charge switch that I never use.
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    drasnor wrote:
    I have two chargers: a MAHA/Powerex 4-cell smart charger and a Sanyo USB smart charger that came with a couple of Eneloop AAAs. Both have independent charging circuitry for each cell and slow-charge at 500 mA though the MAHA one has a fast-charge switch that I never use.

    Thanks for the recommendations of chargers. I was also looking at an article that pointed out three chargers. One of them was a MAHA PowerEx MH-C808M, which looked nice (can take C and D batts, and can charge MANY AA/AAA's at the same time). But for a cheaper price, the La Cross BC-700 one seemed a better deal (I only need a AA/AAA charger for now).

    Your thoughts on the La Cross vs the MAHA?
  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    I have the MAHA PowerEx MH-C401FS and it's an excellent charger. I had considered the La Cross model but went with the one I linked since it's small and fit in my camera bag while having the quad-independent smart charge logic. Also, C and D rechargeable batteries are a waste of money so don't buy a charger on the basis of being able to charge those.
  • BasilBasil Nubcaek England Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Eneloops are great for low drain kit (use them in my remotes/trackballs/etc) but for anything else I'd grab some 2700/2850 mAh Ansmann cells, the eneloops just don't last in a camera or similar thirsty device.

    Ansmann also do a low discharge cell called the maxE at 2500 mAh which might be worth a look, not used them though so ymmv.
  • drasnordrasnor Starship Operator Hawthorne, CA Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    For what it's worth, I haven't had any problems using Eneloop in my camera flash (Canon Speedlite 580EX.) For anything critical though I typically carry two sets of batteries anyway.
  • BandrikBandrik Elkhart, IN Icrontian
    edited May 2010
    Alrighty. Well after some looking around and based on the suggestions given here (major THANK YOU to all that posted!), I decided to go with the following:

    AA & AAA batts:
    Charger: La Crosse BC-700

    I went with the Eneloops because they've been around for a bit now, and have a great record for performing well even years after purchase. I strongly considered the Sony Cycle Energy batts as they were cheaper and reported to be better than the Eneloops, I still went with Eneloop due to them being around longer.

    As for chargers, the La Crosse BC-700 was a good mix of function and price/value. The MAHA looked nice, and I considered a MAHA C9000, but I just wasn't willing to pay twice as much for a charger that did about the same thing.

    I did hear the La Crosse BC-900s had melted or burst a few batteries, but the 900 also has much higher charge rate options - something I don't ever want to use, so wasted options for me. Plus, I'm willing to bet many of these ruined/melted chargers were from these higher settings. The 700 had a better track record, I took the dive.

    I'm looking forward to finally having batteries for my gadgets. Several of them are sitting around lifeless without power, as I just don't have enough batteries for everything (been holding off to take the time to research which ones I want). Now I'll be all set.
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