The RIAA strikes back... yet again!
It has been reported that the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) has launced a new wave of file-swapping lawsuits, with a total of 532 fresh suits having been filed.
[blockquote]The suits are the industry group's first since an appeals court in December blocked its original strategy of identifying alleged file swappers before filing lawsuits by sending subpoenas to their Internet service providers. As a result, Wednesday's legal actions target hundreds of unnamed or "John Doe" computer users, whose identities will be added to the suits only after a court process that's likely to take several weeks.
[link=http://news.com.com/2100-1027_3-5144558.html?tag=nefd_lede]The full report[/link]
[blockquote]The suits are the industry group's first since an appeals court in December blocked its original strategy of identifying alleged file swappers before filing lawsuits by sending subpoenas to their Internet service providers. As a result, Wednesday's legal actions target hundreds of unnamed or "John Doe" computer users, whose identities will be added to the suits only after a court process that's likely to take several weeks.
[link=http://news.com.com/2100-1027_3-5144558.html?tag=nefd_lede]The full report[/link]
man, who would have seen that coming
/end sarcasm