Unable to generate a signature
I have tried to use the sig generator page to get a Folding@Home sig without success. I was told to wait until I got a few units done and my name should show up there but I'm now up to 13 units and still my name doesn't show up in the list. The very top of the page shows some errors and something about needing the site's cookie to function correctly (which I have). Is there any way to manually create a signature or is there something I'm doing wrong?
You made your sig with a static image rather than a link to the EOC page. I like mine to link back to EOC (just find out what your user number on EOC is by searching at folding.extremeoverclocking.com) :
In the signature box, click insert image and for the URL use the following, replacing the Xs with your username number and the c1 throught the end simply changes the formatting (in this case to black and such):
Then click the image you created, click add hyperlink and paste the following, again substituting your actual EOC user number for the Xs:
If there is a more graceful way, I am unaware of it.
Download Link - sig_generator.zip
Thanks. I believe this answers my question. I was worried because it seemed to be showing up fine then didn't again. I didn't realize the forum was setup that way.