i bookmarked this website instantly when i read about the baked 8800 gtx! it was an awesome article and from then, the rest is history. great site! more power!
oh wow I saw a reference to addaboy, wow old time with me and kanez, I remember driving down to Ft Lauderdale with Hawk to do a live broadcast! lol man the times fly
Think I'll be late to my own funeral......happy belated B'day from one of the noobs!! Not sure the when and where but accordig to my profile I originally reistered back in '09 but don't remember the why. But started making "comments" Feb of this year. Anyway haven't figured this site out as of yet....which keeps it interesting!!
Happy B-Day Short-Media
You grew into Icrontic nicely
Er, I mean, that jerk. Getting me caught up with this mess. =/
Happy Birthday IC