Trouble with new DVD ROM drive

edited June 2010 in Hardware
A new LG DVD ROM drive was fitted to replace an existing one when I upgraded my computer. It is a: <o:p></o:p>
DVD LG GH22NP20 IDE 20X BURNER, drive Z:\ .
When I checked the new DVD ROM drive, even without a CD or DVD in it, it displays: Files Ready to Be Written to the CD followed by a list of all the Folders in my drive MULTIMEDIA (J); 11 GB of material. This is also shown when there is a CD or DVD in the drive, in which case, all the above is still shown, plus
Files Currently on the CD followed by the list of folders and files on that CD/DVD
The tech told me to wipe out all the files that it shows. With a dummy folder on my drive J:\ it wiped the dummy folder from the drive. So that isn't the solution. I thought that I might use System Restore to a point before that DVD ROM was changed, but will it help when a DVD ROM drive is changed?
Can you help please? I have been using computers for over 25 years, so I do know my way around :-) .
Arthur HC
Cairns, Oz


  • edited June 2010
    I have managed to solve my problem. Due to a head injury, which didn't allow me to move my head, neck and eyes in any direction, I was unable to install the DVD ROM myself, and had to have it installed by a technician, who had no answer to my problem. ("It must have been something that YOU did!)
    As I said, above, I decided to use System Restore to the day before the DVD ROM was changed, and, Eureka, the old dog (86) has had his day, and all is well.
    I hope all of you who have problems that are easily solved. My next job is to speed up Windows XP Home, probably by moving on to Windows 7.
    Arthur HC
    Cairns. Oz
    08 June 2010
  • EchoSaviorEchoSavior Oregon!!!
    edited June 2010
    wah wah waitttttttttttttttt...... if you have windows xp, let me just tell you that although windows 7 has alot less problems and in my opinion is alot more stable than XP if you game alot on with XP then you will HATE windows 7. it works alot like vista just no big problems like vista. also 5.1 surround sound doesn't work on windows 7. games like Exteel and alot of korean made mmos will not work at all as in they will BSOD your computer. games like world of warcraft will. Just some info before you upgrade :D also go 64bit if do upgrade.
  • edited June 2010
    EchoSavior wrote:
    wah wah waitttttttttttttttt...... if you have windows xp, let me just tell you that although windows 7 has alot less problems and in my opinion is alot more stable than XP if you game alot on with XP then you will HATE windows 7. it works alot like vista just no big problems like vista. also 5.1 surround sound doesn't work on windows 7. games like Exteel and alot of korean made mmos will not work at all as in they will BSOD your computer. games like world of warcraft will. Just some info before you upgrade :D also go 64bit if do upgrade.

    Thanks for your advice, but, although I have used computers, and done programming for 30 years, at 86, I am v_e_r_y slow, so I don't play complex games.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2010
    Arthur, moving to Windows 7 is a fantastic choice for you. I agree.
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