Nintendo: then and now

GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
edited June 2010 in Gaming


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited June 2010
    Great piece, and too true. I'm guilty of that admonition myself.
  • Cliff_ForsterCliff_Forster Icrontian
    edited June 2010
    Two things are true about Nintendo, they just are not debatable.

    Nobody in the history of gaming has done portable better, period, at all, not even close.

    Deep down, everyone, and I mean everyone loves the wii. Yes, EVERYONE. People say they don't love the wii in front of their hard core gamer friends because its like admitting that you like 80's power ballads... Its like your manhood is on the line or something. God as my witness, in casual conversation and all my playing experience I have never, ever known anyone to turn their nose up at the wii. The sales numbers prove it. Its the darling of the console market, and for good reason, its really the only modern console worth owning. A gaming PC and a wii, its all you need. (well, except for love.... and perhaps a little food and water... but you get the point)

    I freaking love Nintendo, always have.
  • edited June 2010
    ive spent the last couple of weekends playing all those nice classic vc games with a friend of mine on his wii, and though having a decent rig, i am actually thinking about buying a console myself, which i havent done since the playstation 1. were playing secret of mana atm just to mention .D
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