While I was happy to see Golden Eye coming to the me I was less then happy to see they were going for photo realism. The Wii just can't cut it. Had they gone for a more stylized look it could have been a total package game. Instead it'll likely be just another shooter.
GoldenEye Wii is money. I'm glad the graphics look exactly the same as they did in the past. It seems rather petty to decry the graphics for being dated but then call foul that they've changed the face of Bond.
"My name is Ryan and I want fancy graphics but everything else has to stay the same as it was in 1997 or I'll be butthurt and blog about you!!!"
I'm wondering... now that my article is up, how this makes people feel. Does anyone else feel the same way I do about how blocky 3D graphics on the Nintendo DS sucks, and if GoldenEye for the Wii is indeed a mistake?
@Frylock - that's the thing though. The framerate that I saw in the official trailer that was debuted at E3 was dismal. Extremely choppy. If the end product is better, then great. But it wasn't.
I'm glad that developers are continuing to push the envelope of the DS' hardware. The 3D graphics we see today on a handheld that fits in my pocket are comparable to yesteryear's PlayStation, a console larger than a textbook.
I think arguments about 2D sprites vs. 3D models are pedantic at best. Maybe it's not your cup of tea, but I would be very hard-pressed to call it "bad."
If developers can't make a 3D game look good, then it's "bad," and perhaps 2D would have been a better fit for their budget. If they can make either look good, then I don't have a preference.
There are gameplay differences inherent in the 3D choice that need to be handled properly, though. In the screenshot of Golden Sun, the first thing I thought about was how moving around is probably a comparative PITA. If we're going to return to the graphics of the PS1 and N64, I hope we've at least figured out camera angles.
And Pierce Brosnan is not even be fit to shake Daniel Craig's martini...
Sometimes I agree with Cliff... this is one of those times. Daniel Craig is a thousand times better Bond than Brosnan (not to say that Brosnan was a BAD Bond, just Craig is that much better). That said, I agree it's dumb to replace Brosnan with Craig in the Goldeneye remake... Pierce was the Bond for that movie, he should be the Bond for the game.
"My name is Ryan and I want fancy graphics but everything else has to stay the same as it was in 1997 or I'll be butthurt and blog about you!!!"
I agree that the graphics look intentional.
Or, am I completely wrong? Let's hear it.
I'm glad that developers are continuing to push the envelope of the DS' hardware. The 3D graphics we see today on a handheld that fits in my pocket are comparable to yesteryear's PlayStation, a console larger than a textbook.
I think arguments about 2D sprites vs. 3D models are pedantic at best. Maybe it's not your cup of tea, but I would be very hard-pressed to call it "bad."
There are gameplay differences inherent in the 3D choice that need to be handled properly, though. In the screenshot of Golden Sun, the first thing I thought about was how moving around is probably a comparative PITA. If we're going to return to the graphics of the PS1 and N64, I hope we've at least figured out camera angles.
There is only one Bond and if you want to argue be warned, he will choke a bitch.