help needed to know if my graphic card is faulty

nick1983nick1983 india
edited August 2010 in Hardware
i have p965 chipset based mobo with an e4300 c2d processor; 2x1g transcend 800mhz ram and a 8500gt512m graphic card

usually all games run fine ; some run fine with lowered graphics however today when i was playing truck simulator; there were some gliches or streaks on my screen and my pc hanged
so i restarted it and to my suprise all the alphabets on startup were scrambled
on startup i checked the device manager so and found the driver of graphic card at fault; so updated the driver all fine;
again started the game and same problem
this time no scrambled leters just a hanged pc
so i decided to run passmark benchmark test
all except the 3d test was the one when the screen again flickered and the pc hanged

kindly help me know if this is some other fault or is it really my graphic card dying!
as this happens only when i played; else my pc runs for hours withoout hanging


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    Really sounds like your GPU is dying or overheating. I would first try taking the card out and using a can of compressed air to free it from any dust and fuzzies, but you should be prepared to accept that she's dead, Jim.
  • nick1983nick1983 india
    edited July 2010
    today am planning to remove the card from PC; clean the connectors; the heat sink and fan assembly
    will again run the benchmark after clean up; hope it works :)
  • nick1983nick1983 india
    edited July 2010
    i did all the clean up; removed the load of dust; still same problm

    I am running a NVIDIA 8500gt card. In the device manager I am getting a code 10 on the "This device cannot start(code 10)". I have updated all my drivers but I still get this code 10 message (it worked ones). I have uninstalled and reinstalled it many times but still nothing. also did a windows update but it seems the card is refusing to adhere to drivers ; kindly help;
  • nick1983nick1983 india
    edited July 2010
    is this an error with the graphic card or the mother board itself has some fault? am not able to judge as replacing will involve cost of around 200~250$ (10000 ~ 15000Rs in india)
  • edited July 2010
    Problem seems to be only graphics card not motherboard. I agree with Thrax, your graphics card seems to be dying. Are you sure that a 8500GT is $250 in India? I know the prices are different in different countries but that is an unbelievable price.
  • nick1983nick1983 india
    edited July 2010
    mirage wrote:
    Problem seems to be only graphics card not motherboard. I agree with Thrax, your graphics card seems to be dying. Are you sure that a 8500GT is $250 in India? I know the prices are different in different countries but that is an unbelievable price.

    250$ is for upgrading both graphic card and mother board; somewhere also some minimum RAM to ddr3
    am taking the card to the service center for checking as it is out of warranty;
    hope it gets repaired at min cost as my pc is just 3 yr old and is handling all games and stuff well; dont wist to spend so much rite now:)
  • ardichokeardichoke Icrontian
    edited July 2010
    If your graphics card is bad there's really no need to replace the card and the motherboard. If your current system was already running an 8000 series nvidia card, you should be able to drop any modern video card into it without changing anything else.
  • nick1983nick1983 india
    edited July 2010
    ardichoke wrote:
    If your graphics card is bad there's really no need to replace the card and the motherboard. If your current system was already running an 8000 series nvidia card, you should be able to drop any modern video card into it without changing anything else.

    yes you are rite; i was just assuming worst case scenario
    i have sent the card to the service center
    they say it will cost around 10-15$ to repair
    hope it gets rectified soon
  • blankman640blankman640 Lubbock Tx
    edited August 2010
    yeah im have a similar problem accept mine only does it when im playing crysis like ill be playing for ten minutes with 30 fps running fine then it just cuts out
    im running AMD 965 X4 black phenom II 3.4ghz with 6gb ram an Asus m4A54-M motherboard
    HD 5750 Radeon graphics card any ideas im thinking it could just be a bad install of the bin files of the game for the fact it doesnt do this on fallout three with ultra high settings but its not as demanding as crysis ....period
  • nick1983nick1983 india
    edited August 2010
    i just got my graphic card back front the service center; and guess what; they repaired it for free out of warranty; its working like a charm again
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited August 2010
    Thats awesome news Nick.
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