This game is brutal. Beyond brutal. If I even entertained the idea of buying it once, playing 30 minutes with a friend made me rage nearly uncontrollably.
I loved this game. It takes some getting used to but once you gear up and get the fighting scheme down its totally worth it. I'm on my second playthrough but as with most of my second playthroughs I never finish them.
The Zero Punctuation review of this game made me want to avoid it at all costs. Now this one makes me want to go out tonight and buy a PS3 so I can play it. SO TORN ;_;
Near as I can tell, Yahtzee tears things to pieces because it's entertaining (and it really is). I wouldn't throw out a game because he has negative things to say about it.
Of course, I wouldn't buy a PS3 just for one game, either.
Well yes... Yahtzee does tear things to pieces because it's entertaining, but he also does usually point out when a game is worth playing (despite all the faults he mercilessly nit-picked). His review of this one just made it sound irredeemable though.
As it stands right now, I've almost bought a PS3 just to play MGS: Guns of the Patriots. Because I'm addicted to that absurd series. Of course I would end up using it for other things as well (Netflix streaming, folding, etc.)
Of course, I wouldn't buy a PS3 just for one game, either.
As it stands right now, I've almost bought a PS3 just to play MGS: Guns of the Patriots. Because I'm addicted to that absurd series. Of course I would end up using it for other things as well (Netflix streaming, folding, etc.)